Are you an injured athlete having trouble getting back into your activity? Have you reached a plateau or slow decline in your fitness regime? Are you looking for something to complement your sport and improve your performance and health at the same time? Then this is the health and fitness workshop for you!
Over a course of five to six days we will train various skills outdoors (see below) and you will have two personalized assessment and treatment sessions with me. You will:
- Move better with less pain
- Correct metabolic and hormonal issues
- Deal with old nagging injuries
- Learn new natural fitness skills and drills to help you become a more efficient athlete
- Gain a crazy amount of knowledge
- Become an overall healthier individual
- Hang out with some fun like-minded individuals
There are no Sock Doc Workshops currently scheduled for 2018. If you’re interested in hosting a workshop, please email me!
* See below for registration details.
During four of these days we will train for several hours at various intensities, focusing on natural movement techniques and other skills which will benefit any athlete at any level. This is the fitness workshop part of the program. I, along with the assistance of my wife MaryBeth of Kairos Strong, will be teaching many of the skills and drills we have learned from natural movement programs such as MovNat, (we are Level II trainers), Original Strength (she is a Level II Certified Coach), and other movement and rehabilitation methodologies. We incorporate all these various models into a program to tailor fit the athlete along with the treatment provided personally by me. The value of the natural “real world” movement and conditioning is vital if you want to perform your best, both mentally and physically.
During two of these days I will assess and treat you per my style of health care. I use a type of manual muscle testing and treatment protocol I developed called Systems Health Care to determine where imbalances are in the body, whether structural, nutritional, hormonal, or other, and how to correct these imbalances naturally. Watch a video here to see one typical assessment procedure. Often I am using some form of trigger-point therapy (myofascial release), or nutrient therapy to make these corrections, along with dietary, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. Many of the techniques I use are those I have developed over my past twenty years in practice. I can honestly say that not once has a patient ever said, “I’ve had this done before,” and most of my patients travel several hours to see me. I am not the type of doctor that someone sees weekly, or even monthly, so you will get a lot out these sessions. See the testimonials below from past workshop participants.
Prior to becoming interested in natural movement programs my training was primarily in endurance, specifically Ironman triathlons. I have completed 16 Ironman races, six of which were at the World Championship in Kona, HI. The other triathlons, road races, cycling events, and trail races I have competed in over the past 20+ years is – well, many. I no longer race triathlons, for a variety of reasons, but focus my training on trail running, MovNat, Original Strength, kettle bell training, and other programs. I have taken the Ido Portal Movement X workshop, a Wim Hoff workshop, and I learn a lot of other drills and movement methods from my wife MaryBeth who is a StrongFirst Kettlebells Level II Certified Instructor too.
The overall goal of the workshop is to get people (you) moving and feeling better – even if you choose to specialize in a sport. The natural fitness skills will help develop your strength, balance, and fitness, and the treatment will hone in on any imbalances (structural and nutritional) you have which are affecting your health and fitness. Even if you don’t have an injury, you most likely have imbalances that are hindering your performance, and you most likely don’t know about them or are “used to” feeling a certain way every day.
Workshop Details:
The Treatment: For this workshop I will see each participant for a more focused movement-type treatment (though often I’m able to address other issues such as metabolic, hormonal, or immune problems), for approximately 90 minutes between Tuesday and Thursday. Then again, either on Friday or Saturday after training, I will see you for a 30-45 minute re-assessment of things that were treated previously and anything else that needs to be checked out.
The Training: We will train various movement techniques over four days of the fitness workshop, (Thursday-Sunday), along with various other skills and drills depending on the needs and interest of the group. Various ground movements, running, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing, lifting & carrying, throwing & catching, and many mobility, stability, and other drills will be taught!
If you’re interested in seeing me for further treatment, (after the workshop ends, or before it starts), please schedule that with me prior to arriving. I have a very long wait list (typically one year) for new patients so this workshop essentially gets you in sooner without paying extra for those appointment slots, and there will not be available slots once the workshop starts.
The General Schedule for the Workshops:
- Tuesday OR Wednesday OR Thursday: Initial individual treatment sessions per scheduled time
- Thursday: We train from 3pm-6pm.
- Friday: We start training at 8am and will train for approximately five hours until 1pm. There will be a slight 15-20 min break during this session. Then I will see those for a treatment session who were seen on Tuesday or Wednesday.
- Saturday: We start training at 8am and will train for approximately five hours until 1pm. There will be a slight 15-20 min break during this session. Then I will see those for a treatment session who were seen on Wednesday or Thursday.
- Sunday we will be training non-stop from approximately 8-10am. After a meal together, the workshop will be concluded.
*Please note that food and lodging expenses are your own responsibility.
What you should expect: You should expect to train several hours per day, at different intensities. Most, if not all of, the training will be outside (weather permitting) and you should be prepared for any weather condition.
What I expect: I don’t expect elite athletes, so don’t feel like you need to be at the high-end of fitness. But we will train a good amount, and at times it will be, and should be, difficult. There will be some high intensity training, lots of aerobic-type training, and plenty of strength and balance training using various movement patterns. You should be able to run on a trail at a comfortable pace for at least 90 minutes with no food or water. How fast? You should be able to run at least six miles in one hour on a single-track trail. However, we will not actually be running for this prolonged period of time. On the final day (Sunday) we will be training for 90-120 minutes but it will not be consistent running. If you’re unsure of your fitness in this or other areas, please ask. If you’re injured and can’t move a specific way due to the injury, please let me know now. You don’t want to participate if you’re unable to perform a lot of the training. Yes, I will help you move better and heal up injuries, but if you’re dealing with a bad injury then this isn’t the time to for me to address that. Again, if you’re not sure please ask. You should also be trying (or able) to train and run in minimalist footwear – if not barefoot. If you’re not comfortable doing this yet, that’s okay, but please start!
Workshop Cost and Registration:
Registration is started by emailing me ( with the word “Workshop” in the subject line. The cost of a workshop is $1,625 for the entire course of training and treatment sessions.
From Past Workshop Participants:
* I had the good fortune to participate in the September fitness workshop with MovNat principles and treatments by SockDoc. I can say without reservation that Dr. Steve is a huge resource for any athlete and can coach you into better habits as part of a “big picture” vision toward improved health. He was able to design routines that kept our group both smiling and groaning, while we figured out our own imbalances and worked through them. Three days of workouts produced a hurts-so-good feeling and were very challenging, while allowing new competencies to develop in a supportive environment. Treatments were comprehensive, educational and effective at keeping us all running smoothly through a fast paced workshop which provided as much information as we could handle. Sock Doc practices what he teaches, as evidenced by being able to teach to a group of 6 athletes, while treating them all daily, and still being able to complete the MovNat workouts himself. He is both an endurance machine and a good primal chef. Our group had a great time, thanks so much! ~ Carl B., RN
* The Sock Doc Training and Treatment Workshop was fantastic. World class treatment followed by world class training. I was amazed at how quickly he discovered what was going on with my knees. Post treatment I had full range of motion in whole body rotation and hip extension. The next three days we put my body to the test with very functional and fun exercises. I did great, felt great. I would highly recommend attending. This combination can’t be found anywhere! ~ Brett. M., DC
* Sock-doc rules. What more can I say? Having had the life changing experience of being treated by him, coupled with awesome MovNat training – as the single female in the group, I have to say I am still smiling. Not only did the MovNat skills teach me how to better use my body, it convinced me to continue to push past my perceived limits. Add in humor, sarcasm, thorough but appropriately paced teaching and amazingly encouraging men to train alongside! I look forward to more training in future years! ~ Tammy M. from Vancouver, BC
* Overall an excellent and high quality workshop worth the trip from overseas. (I am currently living in the UK and got to know the SockDoc website only a few months ago so jumped onto the opportunity of a workshop and did not mind flying 8 hours and was not disappointed quite the contrary!) I really enjoyed the combination of personal consultation to analyze my muscle imbalances / diet issues as well as learning MovNat exercises. Steve’s background as an endurance athlete and chiropractor makes him very well suited to give excellent advice on a variety of topics, (muscle imbalances, diet, endurance and strength training, MovNat exercises and barefoot running), on how to achieve sustainable health and fitness. I learned a lot and my only regret is not to have asked enough questions. ~ V.G. from London, UK
* Dr. Gangemi’s workshop has definitely transformed the way I look at training. The full-body movements that I learned continue to provide more strength, flexibility, and balance. I love going outside and using the natural movement techniques. I look at park or trail with new eyes — everything is now something to climb, jump, balance, or lift. I’m on my way to becoming Tarzan. ~ Matt M. from Raleigh, NC
Lou says
Recently I wrote you concerning hip/back pain….doctor said hip bursitis and some muscle problems…..I am going to start with new PT soon…..On Friday, I was talking on phone for a while (about 20 minutes)….held phone to ear with index finger straight on back of phone….when I put phone down finger locked and then popped before I could straighten it…..ached some then…..did it again today when I was on phone for shorter amount of time… on line that it is called trigger finger? Any suggestions on how to treat the problem before it becomes a greater problem? It is on my left hand (I am left handed and do everything with that hand)….sometimes during night I wake up with hand in fist with me pushing it down on bed. Would a splint be helpful….any particular exercises? Thanks so much for all of your valuable information…..I have learned so much from you in such a short time!