A new podcast is up at Trail Runner Nation. We discuss Principles III and IV of the Sock Doc Training Principles: strength training for endurance athletes, Crossfit (the good and the bad aspects), MovNat, and how to recover and rest efficiently. Check it out!

You can also Listen to the podcast in a new window or download (Right click to save), or listen to the podcast at Trail Runner Nation.
SteveL says
Regarding strength training: I use to work out on the weights as I enjoyed the workouts and it really helped with my downhill skiing. In particular doing leg presses with very heavy weights and few reps. Built up a lot of strength with that for edging at high speeds. However once I started with the aerobic only training I gave that up and have been working on building my aerobic engine. Since I’m still making progress there I haven’t taken it back up and my plan has been whenever I do plateau to pick back up with weight training. I will be listening to your podcast, does it speak to if my plan is a good one? If not what do you suggest? Thanks!
Sock Doc says
Well you gotta listen to the podcast before you ask a question! But the answer is already in the Sock Doc Training Principles – specifically #3.
SteveL says
Okay..okay I’ll listen I succumbed to being lazy. Thanks for all you do.