Hello Sock Doc Reader,
Thanks for your interest in my site. As much as I enjoy answering the many questions I receive each day, they take up several hours per week of my already limited time. Please contact me ONLY if you have an inquiry that cannot be addressed within the site. This would include topics such as: if you’re interested in me speaking at a conference, hosting a workshop, or would like me to test/review a certain product. Any health question, injury concern, consult or office appointment inquiry should go through those appropriate channels on this site. The email to contact me is: thesockdoc@gmail.com.
Yeah, sometimes it can be difficult to sift through all the material, but there are a few ways to try to find what you’re looking for quickly and effectively.
- Use the SEARCH bar in the top header on each and every page.
- Use your own web browser search to find a key word in the comments. For example, for Firefox, you can simply start typing a word and it will search for that word. So if you want to find out more about stretching for swimming then type “swimming” while you’re on the article about stretching and if it’s discussed in that article or in the comments then you’ll find it right away.
A couple more Sock Doc useful tips:
- Please check out the “Start Here” articles. They’re there for a reason. I’d estimate that 90% of all questions I receive can be answered if these articles were read.
- Check the Sitemap. Basically this is every article and video on the Sock Doc site.
And a few other quick things to mention:
- I cannot specifically diagnose you or advise you on any treatment plan. As you will quickly learn from reading just a few articles on this site, it’s more important to diagnose the process, not the ultimate symptom.
- I never recommend stretching, orthotics, or NSAIDs to any of my patients. Most likely you are doing one, if not all of these therapies either for an injury or what you’ve been taught is “necessary for healing, recovery, and good health”. It’s entirely up to you what therapy and health advice you want to follow.
Thank you!
Sock Doc