Video Transcript
Hey, this is Sock Doc. And today I’m going to talk about plantar fasciitis, a common problem that many people have, pain in their foot, pain in the heel. Typically, it’s worse as you get up in the morning and step down out of bed. People get a sharp pain in their heel, sometimes more towards the arch of their foot. And actually it tends to get better as you walk throughout the day, only to wake up the next day and have the pain result all over again.
It keeps people from walking. It keeps people from running and a lot of discomfort in the foot. So it’s important to realize that like most issue, most ailments, most injuries it’s important to diagnose why you have something rather than what have. So obviously if you have pain on the bottom of your foot, someone might diagnose that as plantar fasciitis, as heel pain, or as arch pain, but why did you get that?
Plantar fasciitis is often from a weakness in the lower leg muscles as well as foot muscles that are the result of muscle imbalances caused from too much stress in someone’s life. That can be from too much physical stress. Either someone who is overtraining, an athlete training too hard, too often, too high a heart rate, racing too much. Or someone who doesn’t even work out at all, but they’re standing on their feet and causing some pain and muscle imbalances because they’re basically working too hard, maybe too many hours in the office, dealing with kids at home, too many life stresses, or they’re eating improperly, too.
So overall excessive stress in someone’s life will actually have a reflection on the lower leg muscles, your calf muscles, and your foot muscles, and you cause the connective tissue at the bottom of your foot to tighten up and your plantar fascia will start to hurt and pull on where it attaches to your heel. The next thing you know you’ve got plantar fasciitis.
So here’s some things you can do that are most likely different than what you have been taught to do for plantar fascia. First, we don’t want to stretch the plantar fascia because when you stretch a muscle or stretch an injury you’re stretch connective tissue, you elongate the fibers.
What you want to do is bring those back together so they heal quicker. So stretching is going to delay the injury. What you want to do is look for trigger points, especially down inside your tibia bone which is your shin bone. Run your thumb down the inside of that tibia bone and look for tender spots throughout the leg coming all the way down, especially where it attaches to the arch of your foot.
So here, all the way up on the inside of this tibia bone, not back here on your calf. So you’re not coming this way, but you’re coming in like that. Also, behind the calf in here and in here. Feel any trigger points? Then work them out. Hold them, squeeze them. You can move your foot a little bit and basically rub them out. You really shouldn’t be very sore at all, but the point is that the muscle imbalances are in here. The injury is more right here even though it’s felt here in your heel.
You also want to strengthen your foot, and you’re going to strengthen your foot by starting to do some exercises such as a simple towel exercise, crunching up your toes like this, crunching up a towel really squeezing your toes and strengthening the plantar fascia. You can pick up things with your toes throughout the day with your feet like towels in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Pick up objects throughout the day. Little things might be laying around like kids’ toys or whatever.
The other thing you’re going to do to strengthen your feet is not to wear shoes that are too over-supportive, too high of a heel, more of a thick heeled, thin shoes, hard shoes that aren’t very flexible that will also weaken your feet the more you walk in them. You want to strengthen your feet. That means going barefoot. That means walking around barefoot as much as you can.
If you’ve got to wear shoes at the office or wherever you are for protection, think minimalistic. Think low drop from the heel to the front of the foot, not much of an angle. Think of a comfortable shoe but it can’t have too much support or too much cushion in there. You want to keep your foot close to the ground.
The other thing is regardless of that orthotics, orthotics might make your plantar fascia feel better as you’re wearing them, but they’re only going to support the dysfunction. It’s going to keep the imbalance of those lower leg muscles the same; it’s not going to fix them. It might support your pain as you’re wearing them, but it’s not going to help. The more you wear them the more you’ll weaken your foot muscles and the more you’ll end up with either the plantar fascia remaining inflamed, therefore your plantar fasciitis, or you might actually walk yourself literally into a new problem.
The next thing you know your knee hurts or your lower back or some other area of your body that you might not make the association with, but hey it’s from orthotics. Think low to the ground. Think no orthotics. Go barefoot as much as possible. If you’ve been wearing the orthotics for a long time start to take them out a half hour a day, an hour a day, two hours a day, more and more until you can walk barefoot. If you can walk barefoot your feet are strong.
So you’re going barefoot, you’re doing the towels exercises. Pick up things to strengthen your feet. You’re looking for the sore spots in your calf muscle, more here. Stay away from rubbing the heel pain. It’s only going to cave in. Don’t be stretching it. That’s going to help heal it up faster and then evaluate the stress in your life because those muscle imbalances are from too much stress, over-training in aerobic work, maybe sleeping poorly, eating a lot of that type of diet, doing more than you can handle.
That is where the plantar fasciitis problem is coming from, and that’s how you go about resolving it and hopefully preventing it. That’s it!
In this video I talk about common reasons for plantar fasciitis, how conventional medicine treats the problem, and how I address the foot pain with less invasive therapies, often leading to a faster recovery with significantly less chance of the pain returning. For even more information, check out the updated plantar fasciitis video here! (2018)
Jennifer Goodall says
Thanks for the VOD – this is great and easy to follow!!!
Kerry says
This advice is TOTALLY the opposite of what my professional podiatrist told me to do. I was told to NEVER go barefoot and to wear orthodic shoes all the time to support the weak muscles that are causing this problem. I was also told to STRETCH all the time and rub it out etc. This advice totally contradicts and is the opposite of a professional DR. I would not listen to this advice.
Sock Doc says
Thanks. I’ll make sure my readers listen to YOUR advice, to not listen to my advice. Please comment on my other articles too so we can get your opinions and insight there.
Jeff Wagner says
I am now confused with the advice on this board. I am open to new ways to “fix” my PF but was told never to go barefoot and to stretch. Do you have scientific research to support that shows walking barefoot is helpful for PF? Thank you.
Mel says
I figure I’ve been listening to my podiatrist for 5 years with no improvement. This makes sense so I’ll give it a go. Got nothing to lose
Amy says
Haha, good answer Sock Doc. That’s hilarious. I had plantar fasciitis. The Podiatrist put me in orthotics and told me to wear them all the time, to the bathroom in the middle of the night, etc. I did that for four weeks and my feet got so weak and felt like delicate glass that would break if I impudently dared to step on my bare naked foot. I thought, “this can’t be right. I was born with these naked feet. They should work fine by themselves.” Started going barefoot slowly, little walking around the kitchen, then a bit more, then minimalist shoes. And the PF went away after about three months of strengthening (and no stretching, which also made it worse every time I doubted myself and tried it.) Went to the Caribbean for a month, swam every day, lots of barefoot time, no pain whatsoever. Came back home to the cold climate, no exercise and wearing shoes, the PF came back after a month, but only in the morning, first steps out of bed. So I’ve now switched completely to a Paleo diet (no wheat, corn, oats, rice or other grains, no sugar, no refined veg. oils, no beans, generally low carb) to decrease inflammation (read “Wheat Belly” by cardiologist William Davis for details), since inflammation seems to be the culprit in PF. So think about that as a remedy: eat like people ate for million years before Agriculture and Processed “Food”, and walk like people walked for a million years (barefoot). Kind of makes sense to do what our body expects. Nope, don’t have any “scientific research” for you Jeff Wagner. I’m through listening to “experts” anyway.
Reese says
You have to forgive people who don’t understand that most doctors are in the business of treating problems rather than fixing them. I only know that because I have life long chronic illnesses. And I still didn’t understand what the purpose of mainstream medicine really was for most of my life, in spite of so much experience trying to get help from it. Not until a very nice doctor finally explained it to me (that their job is to diagnose, write prescriptions to treat symptoms if available, make referrals if necessary, etc., not to find root cause or otherwise correct anything). She then explained to me that so needed a practitioner of functional medicine, and explained what functional medicine is, further making it clear how the actual job of most doctors is just plain not at all what most people think is their job. The misconceptions of the general public regarding the medical industry make it nearly impossible for people like me to make them understand how anyone can be chronically ill, thinking that everything can be fixed simply by going to the doctor and getting a prescription. You also have to understand that most people in our culture are extremely spoiled and entitled (not their fault, really, but it’s true). It is not part of the American mindset to accept the fact that they can’t just do whatever they want with regard to their bodies and not have to suffer any unpleasant consequences or be inconvenienced or generally have to do anything they don’t want to do. Trying to tell someone that they have to change their lifestyle, change their habits, or otherwise sacrifice anything or put any effort into fixing their problems is not usually going to be well received. Most people don’t care why they have a problem. They just want someone else to fix it with as little inconvenience to themselves as possible. It’s a whole lot easier to sell a patient on the notion that they need not put forth any real effort, experience any further pain or discomfort, or sacrifice anything at all, that they need only buy some nice, comfy new shoes and supports. It’s unfortunate, really. I know the consequences of leaving an issue, any issue, unaddressed. I’m all for using whatever a person needs and is available to help them deal with and function through a problem (sadly, very few people have the luxury of proper convalescence). The problem is the use of such things as the end itself, as is the case in mainstream medicine, rather than as a means to an end, that end being the correction of the problem, whenever possible.
Chris Papadopoulos says
I’ve seen the best Olympic Podiatrist in Australia, a Sports Medicine Doctor and been pumped full of anti-inflams… and the solution was none of these, but rather to follow advise from the Sock Doc.
Let’s try and bring logic and common sense into the picture, and stay open minded to the fact that these ‘specialists’ don’t know everything and may be wrong. Overall health and a holistic view will assist in injury treatment, prevention, and well formed athletes.
Wendy says
I am a former sufferer of plantar fasciitis and a Chiropractor, after trying the orthotic approach for a few years, during a bad flare up I was feed up of my feet hurting daily whilst wearing them so I thought I’d give vivo barefoot shoes a trial at work, instant success. The barefoot approach definitely works, after wearing barefoot trail running shoes whist running off road my feet and ankles have never been stronger and less prone to inversion sprains. Not had a single episode of plantar fasciitis in 2-3 years since. Recommend the barefoot approach to clients, friends, family, anyone who’ll listen!
Michelle says
Every time I try a dance or aerobics class, I have to stop taking it due to pain ( plantar f.). This time, I am determined to continue with African dance. We dance barefoot, but after a while, my foot starts to burn. What should I wear on my feet?
Jeff Wagner says
Wendy, I have not heard of wearing barefoot trail running shoes to help with PF. Where do you buy yours? Please email me at I appreciate your help. I am desperate to run again.
Lauryn says
This is also opposite of all of the advice I was given by medical professionals, but it’s the ONLY advice that has helped my plantar fasciitis. I have been to several podiatrists, had physical therapy, worn night splints, invested in the best shoes, etc. only to have my pain worsen. I came across this video at a point when I was willing to try anything and it completely cured my problem. Now over a year later, I am now 38 weeks pregnant and the pain is back, which is why I’m back on this site to review the video and treatment. Do yourself a favor and follow this advice. If you’re a longtime sufferer like I was, it will change your life!
Geneva says
Thank you, your comment helps.
DiB says
I agree……this advice is contrary to my Dr s. I couldn t possible walk barefoot,….. to painful.
Soc DOc who are you …what are your credentials and where do you practice?
Misha says
Thanks of all the years I’ve suffered and look for info to help alleviate it yours advise helped immediately to improve the condition.
Thanks doc!
Trent says
what about accessory navicular bone. How do you fix the irritation without removal?
Sock Doc says
The treatment is no different. I think those with the accessory navicular may be more susceptible to problems, but that is not the reason for the problem – similar to a Morton’s toe.
Corina says
Soc Doc, thanks so much for the video. I’m eager to try this new approach! Do you have a brand recommendation for shoes? I’ve also tried everything else for PF usually recommended & no help at all. I’ve had cortisone shots, shock wave therapy, worn night splints, expensive insoles/shoes of all variety with no help at all. My calf muscles are always very sore & I get shin splints easily as well. I need shoes to wear while working 10+ hours in a restaurant. Thanks for any advice!
tim says
Hey Doc!
Thanks for your comment on Wow, this video is such an eye opener. I’ve experienced all those problems, including “walking into” new problems with orthotics (which cost way too much.)
I tried poking around my calf muscles and they really hurt! I’ll be sure to massage those from now instead of doing crazy foot stretches (which again, havn’t helped at all) and see what happens. Thanks again!
Sock Doc says
Great, hope it helps. Let us know.
Andre says
Anyone with flat feet recommend Hyprocure surgery?
Tim says
What’s your opinion on barefoot science insoles? fyi, I have flat feet on top of the PF.
Sock Doc says
I don’t think you should need any insole, or especially any foot orthotic. If you have flat feet when you are weight bearing and also non-weight bearing then most likely that is the way you have always been. But most people have a normal or at least somewhat of an arch non-weight bearing and then it collapses when they stand. This is because of the muscle weaknesses in the lower leg and foot, primarily the tibialis posterior muscle, which supports the main arch of the foot. So your flat feet and PF – 2 symptoms stemming from the same problem.
Lora says
So is this still applicable for people with very high arches?
Orgina says
Cannot run or train too much pain under my feet. Then shin splints up to my knee and hand. Very soar. What will be the best for fast and efficient healing now 6 months like this. Thousand thank you!!
Jenny says
I think I know already, but what is your feeling about rolling the bottom of your foot on a tennis ball? Of all the things I’ve tried for my PF (orthotics, anti-inflamatories, stretches), it is the one thing that actually feels good. Feels like a massage. Would you argue it aggravates the PF? Also, when talking about minimal shoes, would any flat shoe without arch support be okay? I’m thinking Converse, dress flats, etc … shoes I can wear out in the world without looking like a crazy person. (Yes, I think the Vibram toe shoes are too ugly to wear in public, though I understand the reasoning.)
Sock Doc says
Yes, that is very good – the old style soda bottles shaped like an hour glass work well too as does a golf ball.
Yes, any flat shoe is fine. Before all the minimalist shoes came out in the past year or so, the Walmart-type and Converse were some of the few choices; now there are lots. Yeah, the Vibrams might not be right for an office meeting. Vibram makes a lot of nice dress shoes though too, not just Five Fingers.
Charles Galvin says
I had what I believed to be PF a couple weeks back that started shortly after a long marathon training run. I had taken a few weeks off to alleviate some knee pain then jumped in for the 22 mile run without much build up to fill the gap. I didn’t have this professionally diagnosed but my mistreatment suggest PF.
One thing that I found worked for me was cold soda cans. My office keeps the fridge stocked, and so I started using them to roll my feet on. This made a big difference in the minimizing the pain. Do you have any more detail on using varied temperatures to aid in this manner?
While I did find that the soda cans help cut down the pain, they didn’t completely eliminate it. It wasn’t until the day before my marathon that anything did clear it away. I tried on a pair of compression socks at the expo. The vendor let me walk around the expo in one for ten minutes, and it made a world of difference. By the end of the day walking around in a pair I didn’t have any PF pain. What is your take on using compression socks and they affect the body?
Sock Doc says
Yeah, the cold cans do work and even better are the cold classic-style Coke bottles. I think you’re probably getting more benefit from the rolling than the cold.
I still think compression socks are more hype than benefit. The studies still are inclusive and those who tout how great they work are the pro athletes getting paid to wear them. Now in regards to the injury, they may have been supporting the muscle injury you were experiencing causing your PF type pain. If they help with recovery from an injury, then go for it. But right now I think their performance benefit is all placebo, especially for first-time users.
Michael R says
Hello Soc-doc,
I was wondering about rolling on a golf ball on the bottom of my foot. You mentioned in the planters fascia video that stretching is a bad thing. Is rolling on a golf ball or bottle the same thing as stretching? Do you recommend doing that as well? Or should I stick to the towel curls and picking up stuff and staying barefoot? Also I have medium to high arches, at some point should I consider hard arch supports in my shoes such as power step, or can people with these arches avoid hard arch supports by strengthening and going barefoot more frequently? Also my issue and pain is on the arch itself and less near the heel. Any thoughts? Anything you would advise, I sincerely appreciate! !!
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
I don’t think the golf ball exercises do much. Check out this article too:
Patricia says
I have been experiencing this pain for couple of months . After viewing video it’s some relief . I have gone thru three pairs of shoes for comfort yet they have not helped me.
Lee says
For someone who doesn’t believe in pills, there sure are a lot of pills behind you in your video.
Sock Doc says
Where do I say “I don’t believe in pills”? You perhaps mean medications? (Which I clearly state are necessary at certain times.) Those are many different types of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other products.
Julie says
I was told I have pf, bone spur but also calcaneal neuritis and that is what was keeping everything hurting . My podiatrist has given heel injections and not offered any other help except stay off of it. I am going to pt and also had an epidural injection in my lower back because after wearing the boot for 8 weeks my hip that was already hurting was really pinched and inflamed. Anyways this is going on 10 weeks and still hurting. Any advice other than the toe pickups?
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Check out the foot and ankle videos!
Jeannette says
I started with left ankle and knee pain just over a year ago which has eased off but now I have plantar faciitis in my left foot and I am noticing pain in my right hip . Your advice re plantar faciitis makes so much sense and its the first time in all my research that I have resonated with the cause and treatment. Stretching has just not worked. I’m up for strenghtening with picking things up with my toes. And also, my job has been far more stressful than I can handle for far too long and I as am aiming to take a month off after next week – I feel that I am now on the right track.
Thankyou for your advice – it makes so much sense – at last.
Sock Doc says
Awesome Jeannette. Thanks!
JODY says
Soc Doc, I know you are a very busy man but have you ever seen someone with PF, tibial & peroneal tendonitis all at once? My podiatrist said my PF has ran a little wild and upset my other tendons. This sounds strange to me but I would love to hear your reply.FYI , I have been battling this 6 months.
Sock Doc says
Sure…it’s not about what you’re diagnosed with but where it’s coming from. So you have a rather extensive foot problem. 🙂
Dorothy says
Good information. I had felt like stretching my calves just didn’t seem quite right. Although, if I do a little flexing and stretching before I get out of bed, it makes it not so bad to stand.
I have been in a spinning class for over 2 years. When I spin I give it my all, so I am hitting my max heart rate often and 3 times a week. From what you’ve suggested, it sounds like that might be the source. When I poke at my calves, even lightly, I could scream bloody murder, so I’ll try your suggestions.
I am 5’8″ 122 lbs., which is as low as I feel I can go without getting too light headed. I don’t have any reason to have cellulite on my legs, but I’ve got quite a bit. My legs feel very fibery (when I “roll” my skin I could also scream bloody murder). I’m wondering what else might be going on and what I should do about it.
I use two cans of frozen black beans for my feet, about three times a day. The metal cans seems to transfer the cold well and it doesn’t get messy. It’s helping quite a bit. Also taking advil, but I sure would like to stay away from that. I feel like Im getting better, but how would I know if I’m taking a pain reliever.
Sock Doc says
Correct, all that anaerobic work will cause some major foot and lower leg imbalances resulting in the tight calves. Cold cans won’t fix that; just temporary pain reduction. If you take any pain relievers and feel better, then the fats in your body are out of balance – read here:
Marguerite says
What you say makes sense. I have plantar fasciitis with heel spurs and orthotics. I think the cause is the muscle imbalances and stress from sitting at a desk all week for 24 years without regular exercise. The orthotics relieve the pain but it returns when they start to wear out, which seems to happen each time that I begin to get into a routine of walking every day. I think my feet are weak from sitting and wearing orthotics and I understand the need to strengthen them (and the rest of me) gradually. My question is regarding gait. There seems to be a lot on the internet about running barefoot with the forefoot or midfoot striking the ground first and you need to make a conscious effort at first. Do you need to consciously change how you walk when you begin to walk barefoot to avoid aggravating the plantar fasciitis or will a correct gait come naturally with time?
Sock Doc says
No, your body will naturally land midfoot or forefoot if the muscles are balanced and you’re wearing proper footwear. With an injury and weak muscles – which you will have from the orthotics – this may take some time. But you shouldn’t have to force a gait pattern. If you try to land your foot a certain way you will most likely create a new injury.
Alan says
Hi, I watched your video with interest. I developed plantar fasciiitis for the first time a week or two ago and have been doing a fair amount of stretching as advised in so many other videos and articles. I can see your logic as to why this may be a problem and I’ll refrain from doing this from now on. The other advice that is regularly given is to ice the affected area – is this a good idea and will it help?
Also, regarding rolling on a tennis ball / golf ball / cola bottle or similar, is it best to avoid the actual area of pain itself (where the plantar fascia attaches to the heal bone)?
Many thanks
Sock Doc says
I don’t think ice helps as much as people think with any injury – other than numbing the area. Especially in a case of plantar fasciitis, there is very little inflammation, which is why some say it should be called plantar fasciosis. Either way, as you now know from watching the video it doesn’t matter what you call it, but how you got it.
Yes, it is best to stay off the area of pain. The trigger points – treatment area – is almost never where you’re experiencing the pain, but either in the bottom of the foot or more commonly in the tibialis posterior as I discuss in the video.
Julie says
Great article! I’ve had a mortons nueroma for about 5 years and it got progressively worse wearing asics. I tried switching to an extra wide toe box shoe, the Reebok nano, which felt a little better. I work out a lot, and was getting constant numbness and pain in the foot with the nueroma, but never plantar fasciitis. I switched to five fingers about 8 months ago and was amazed how the pain (from the mortons nueroma) virtually disappeared within 2 months. I do a lot of jump roping and plyo type actives that involve jumping and now since switching the the 5 finger shoes, I’ve developed plantar fasicitis for the past 3 months. Did I transition to fast? Just curious what your thoughts are on the matter. Thanks for any advice/info you have…
Sock Doc says
Yeah you probably did and I’d suggest other minimalst shoes other than VFF as many people don’t do well with the forced toe position.
Mia says
I’ve been dealing with persistent foot pain (heel, arch, both feet) for seven months. I had been running barefoot happily for 1.5 years, good form, and the pain began gradually and became quite severe until I got completely off my feet for several months. I’ve been working with a PT/Feldenkrais whose approach is pretty much like yours – exercising the foot and calf, massage of trigger points in the calf, overall leg strengthening. I’ve been thinking of this as PF but it doesn’t hurt more in the morning, my feet are not at all stiff or inflexible, I hardly ever sit – so it doesn’t behave like everything I read about PF. I’ve been working the program for five months now, tried a tiny bit of running – 200 yards – and the pain came roaring back. I’m frustrated and confused and would love to hear some input. Thanks.
Sock Doc says
Hi Mia – hard to say since you’ve tried the general advice I show in the videos. In the office I’m able to see exactly what muscles are not working correctly in the lower leg and foot, and address them each individually as they relate to your entire body. For example, your tib posterior may be inhibited but shows a need for a specific nutrient related to adrenal gland function, such as a B vitamin, while another lower leg muscle, say your gastroc, may improve by treating an old injury somewhere else in your body. I don’t prescribe “overall leg strengthening” because you actually can’t facilitate (turn on) inhibited muscles by exercising them. So in my practice I treat the patient, have them run, and see what muscles didn’t hold and why, and make appropriate corrections to typically someone is running pain free or at least with dramatically less pain in a day or two.
Mia says
Your reply is very interesting, thank you. The “overall leg strengthening” was me, staying active on the bike, by the way, not a recommendation from the PT, who I think is on your wavelength. Since reading your article, I’ve stopped massaging my feet and have been really working the trigger points on the outer lower leg and the results are pretty dramatic. Interesting you mention B vitamins, I do take monthly B12 injections. The body is such a puzzle. Any thoughts of how I might proceed, or any practitioners in Portland, Oregon who you would recommend? Thanks very much.
Sock Doc says
Good to hear there Mia. If your results are dramatic you might not need any more help! I don’t know anyone in that area, sorry. For B vitamins the most common for lower leg and adrenal gland issues are actually B5 and B1. B1 – thiamine deficiency often results in burning feet during the day and/or having to get up at night to go to the bathroom.
Megan Zetter says
Mia, I’m from Portland too. Have you seen Ray McClanahan: He is very much in line with Soc Docs philosophy. In fact he is the founder and creator of Correct Toes that Soc Doc has advertised. Look him up. He is great!
Michelle says
I am very interested in the minimalist approach and/or barefoot and have been for some time. However, after being diagnosed with PF in May 2011, I’m a little hesitant. Per the MRI, there is a small tear (more than just the microscopic tears that a majority of the population have). Despite all of the conventional methods that I’ve tried, the pain is still there, and I would assume that the tear is as well.
Will a PF tear heal on its own over time via the body’s own natural healing process i.e. scar tissue or is the only way to fix the tear with PF Release Surgery?
You make very interesting and logical points in your video. I have stopped stretching my PF before I get out of bed. I got rid of the orthotics within weeks of getting them because they really upset things.
What are your thoughts on stopping with the calf stretches and wearing the night splint?
I also assessed along my tibialis posterior muscle, and it’s was very,very tender all along the muscle. I plan to work on those trigger points and focus on strengthening my calves and foot muscles instead of stretching. I also need to take a look at my diet. As a mother of 2 small children, my stress level is usually high and I’m certain there’s a deficiency in my intake.
If you have any other thoughts or recommendations, please pass them along. Thank you for information and your time.
Sock Doc says
Hi Michelle. I have never seen a patient who I needed to send out to have release surgery. Once you have that done you’ll never be the same – it’s a lifelong sentence of weak plantar fascia, and if it does help with the pain it will either come back or you’ll end up with a new injury somewhere else.
I think calf stretches are terrible for any injury, especially PF. And I think the night splints are a even worse – why one would ever want to keep their already injured fascia lengthened and stretched during the night is beyond me.
Yes, stress and diet has a lot to do with it. If you get stuck and not getting any better we can talk or schedule something – under the Contact Tab.
Javalika says
I have been dealing with PF since I was 16! I have been doing conventional therapies for the past 2 years( have had FOUR cortisone shots and pain keeps coming back). I have $500 orthotics.(can’t walk without them anymore) Multiple shoes that “don’t bend at the arch” ICE the crap out of my heel b/c that what helps my pain. and sleep with a night splint! YET, I still have pain! Oh and work on my feet in a busy ER for 12 hours (approx. 200 hours a month!). I WANT try something different!!! Do you offer phone consults? Do you know anyone in the Orlando, FL area? Lastly how do you feel about Five Fingers type of shoes?
Sock Doc says
Michelle says
Thank you for your quick response.
I’m not completely on board with having the release surgery for the reasons you mentioned but I am so determined to get back to running. It’s been 10 months of rest and conservative treatments (air cast, night splint, PT, cortisone injection, orthotics ) and I’ve made no progress! Will a PF tear heal on its own over time via the body’s own natural healing process? I don’t feel I have any other option but the surgery.
As far as diet, do you have any specific diet recommendations to help facilitate the healing process?
Also, if there’s anyone in the Pittsburgh area that you would recommend I see for my PF, please let me know.
Thanks, again.
Sock Doc says
Come see me or we can start by a phone consult on the phone if you’d like (look under the Contact form). No guarantees, but I’ve never not been able to resolve PF and get a person running again, often very quickly. Sorry I don’t know anyone in the Pittsburgh area. I rarely refer anymore unless I know a doc well. Most don’t figure out the source of the problem and actually do hands-on treatments anymore.
Diet – look at the Paleo Diet on this site.
Michelle says
Thank you so much for all of your comments and suggestions regarding my PF injury. I may be in contact with you in the near future for a phone consult. In the mean time, I will continue to follow the recommendations you have provided. I also wanted to mention that your website is fantastic. It’s a great resource and I’m so glad I stumbled upon it!
cindy says
Hi! How often a day do you think I should work on the trigger point? Thank you
Sock Doc says
Two at the most. If the TGPT isn’t going away after a few days then there is something else provoking it.
Sea says
Thank you for having a different method than what is actually common place on most PF sites. Your approach makes sense.
You suggest walking barefoot which I do most of the time.
However, I live in a house with concrete floors and have noticed that when I walk barefoot it actually hurts more than if I wear flip flops or similar shoes around the house. Any thoughts on why this would be? Does barefoot apply to any type of floor?
Sock Doc says
Thanks Sea, once your PF is healed and your foot is truly strong you will be able to stand on any surface all day long w/o pain or discomfort. Concrete – tile – stone – the harder the better when it comes to barefoot.
Christian says
Hi Doc,
I was listening to your podcast on trail nation, and I really enjoy your philosophy on minimalist.
To make a long story short,
I run 3 to 5 ultra per year I eat well and I love running.
In September 2011 I was running a 100 miles, and after 50miles I started to feel a pain under the heel eventually I did stop. I went to the doctor got a scan and it was a partial tear of the fascia, also 13mm of thickness at one point on the fascia I think.
So I did it all started with Physiotherapy, then went on chock wave treatment very painful no results, then went to a podiatrice said that need a movable cast for 6 weeks plus 2 cortisone shots again very painful, now today still in pain same place plus atrophy on my Wright side.
I was in the wave on minimalist shoes last spring but I guess I was to aggressive with It, but I really enjoy running with the five fingers and have a couple of pair of minimalist shoes the inov-8 150 I think.
I need your opinion on what should I do, I started to do what is the video on your website, but what next should I just go barefoot and forget about all of the other treatment.
And what about the fascia can it totally tear.
And the pain that I have is it scar tissues can it tear again.
Please help doc.
Thank you
Sock Doc says
Thanks Christian. For some reason I remember answering this question before but if it wasn’t you then it was someone with almost the exact same problem and therapy history. Anyway, in any event, yes the fascia can definitely heal. It may take time and if everything is functioning correctly then it can happen rather quickly and you can still run (perhaps). Wear whatever shoes are comfortable for you right now whether that is minimalist, barefoot, or even something with a little support if you need it (transitional type shoe). Also address the other issues I discuss – PF is from too much stress in life – footwear, training, diet, work, etc…
Always welcome to come to NC and I will treat you.
Christian says
I went for a 45 min easy pace this morning, after being off for 5 months
It feel really good, and I went with a brook st racer
I think it have a bit to much of a high heel but it is pretty flexible
In the midfoot.
Tomorrow I will try something with less heel pad.
I have to say I am in a bit of a pain, so it could be that
Something maybe in my running gait or even walking because
It feels the same pain have before.
Could it be nerve intrapment does it existe.
Sock Doc says
Sorry can’t give you a “diagnosis” on-line. That just wouldn’t be cool, or accurate. But remember that it doesn’t matter as much what you have, but why you have it. So sure a nerve could be entrapped but you still have to address the biomechanics.
tina says
I’m recovering from Breast cancer…. shortly after completing chemo & starting on a medication called arimidex, I developed plantar fasciitis, I’ve lost count of how many shots I’ve had in my feet, i’ve had ultra sounds (therapeutic) & taping etc… I’ve been being treated by a podiatrist for almost a year and my feet keep getting worse…. My dr. is now talking about surgery… I can’t go barefooted at all, because my feet hurt worse when I don’t have shoes on…. prior to this i was usually barefoot unless it was too cold or not appropriate for the situation…. I was off work for 9 months while being treated, I’ve been back to work since August. I would appreciate any advice you can give me!
Sock Doc says
Hi Tina, did you read the new post I just put up “Barefoot People = Healthy People”? It will really pertain to people such as yourself as you developed an injury in your foot due to poor health – immune system and hormonal problems. So everybody, such as your podiatrist, is treating just your symptoms, the plantar fasciitis. If you were my patient I’d be going through all the muscles of your feet to see which gets them working again; though some may be local points to treat a lot of it will have to do with getting your immune system and hormonal system (namely your adrenals) back on track. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep, aerobic exercise, and a very healthy diet, sorry I can’t give you any specific advice.
christian says
Hi Doc, well after a couple of weeks on working out my foot, it seems that the PF is just gone like the wind.
After a long series off ineffective treatments see previous posting with little or no result except more pain, then just did the basics like in the video and started to just take off my shoes when I can, home or office, the pain is just going away this is fantastic.
And I’ve been running with my inov minimalist shoes in the past week and it is getting better and better, the only thing that I notice is that my knees are just a bit more sensitive, but I was 6 weeks in the cast and had orthotics in my shoes so I try to switch from running to cycling.
Will maybe get a five fingers vibram shoes in a near future.
Thank you Doc for all the help
I wish they would be more professional like yourself that are aware of what the body really needs.
Sock Doc says
Great to hear! Thanks Christian.
Debby says
I just ordered heel gel seats to relieve my heel pain. Should I use these in my shoes for relief?
Sock Doc says
I can’t give you specific advice on what you should or shouldn’t do. But as you can probably tell from reading even just a bit of the Sock Doc site, I never use them in my patients. Sure they’ll help dampen the pain, but they definitely will not correct PF.
Anne says
Hi. I am intrigued. Have had PF since January, doing stretches, and Strassbury sock X 1 week. I thinkI get it about strengthing rather than stretching, but what about in the meantime? Stretching at least provides some mild, temporary relief, without which I can’t stand the pain. Also, my cushioning shoes seem to be required for the same reason. I can’t walk in the morning without doing some stretches and foot circles. Also, I don’t seem to have the tender points on my calves. So, what does one do in the meantime to make walking bearable, if one is not stretching? Abd if not ice, what about hot compresses to help relax the tissue?
Sock Doc says
The more you stretch this problem the longer you’ll have PF. You say you don’t have any tender spots on your calves and although you may not, I’ll say that that is highly unlikely – you’re just not in the right area. After all – if you’re getting temporary relief with stretching then it’s precisely those muscles that have the trigger points in them.
Anne says
Thank you for the reply. Am still wondering, though, what to do to help the pain, if stretching and icing are out. Would warm compresses help to relax the foot? And if I can’t find trigger points in the calf (and maybe I’m just missing them – I’m not a runner, and am new to all of this), what can I do? I’m really in a lot of pain, am walking (more like hobbling) as little as I can.
Sock Doc says
Find someone in your area who does deep muscle work; rolfing is great too.
M. Jackie says
Your advice sent me to a Rolfer (in Denver) and my plantar faciitis and sprained knee pain were gone. I recommend Rolfing for facia and connective tissue work, plus balancing the body. I take all of your suggested supplements and generally adhere to good nutrition.
Thanks for al your freely given advice.
Charles Brown says
Thanks for this site I had pf and went thru the regular routine which did not help. Weekly injections of vitamin B12 did but have a question as a younger I had a serious foot injury which damaged the nerves in that foot and I can not curl the big toe up, would this cause a case of PF? I was a athletic person in tract and basketball high jumping in both sports and a crazy walking fool for miles and miles. I train now with free weights upper and lower body. Improper form can cause injury with free weights and this holds true for any other form of exercise.
Sock Doc says
The past toe injury might make you more susceptible to PF, but it should not cause it.
Robert Kennedy says
Wow, completely different & contrary advice than I have received from my doctor and my sporting friends. I was diagnosed with PF a few weeks ago and I’ve been stretching, massaging the pain points with a golf ball, and I’m back to wearing my orthotics! But your advice does make sense to me. I had trauma with my tibia above my left ankle (tibia & my dog’s jaw collided on a run!) and the PF started shortly thereafter. Your comments about trigger points makes all the sense in the world.
I’ll be focusing now on those trigger points and strengthening my plantar fascia and put my orthotics & golf balls back in storage!
sa says
After reading all of the posts – I’m still not clear what the alternative is for getting out of bed in the morning. Walking stretches them and it eventually goes away. But if I stretch them first, then I don’t feel like I’m ripping something with those first steps in the morning. Can you address this specifically?
Sock Doc says
You have to identify WHY they’re tight and you need to stretch them. Usually it’s a hormonal problem (think stress).
Deb says
Hi, I suffered from bad PF for several months in 2008/9 (ended up such that I could hardly weight bear on my right foot). I sought treatment from a podiatrist and got custom orthotics, and the PF was only solved by a cortisone injection.
Prior to that time I had been a runner for several years. I did a 100km charity walk in 2008 which the podiatrist things finally triggered the PF however.
I am now training for my first half marathon since 2006 and have felt the odd heal twinge which leaves me worried the PF will return. I have the painful trigger points you mention so your info on massage and the foot muscle strengthening makes sense. I do not wear orthotics all the time, but have always run in them. It makes sense that they are not helping strengthen the foot but I am concerned (ok..scared) that removing them for running may cause initial strain that might send me back towards PF again.. I would be interested in your thoughts….
Sock Doc says
My thoughts are fully expressed throughout this site; your situation is more than common. Make sure you read the Training Principles and the articles on orthotics.
Robert Kennedy says
Deb, I had worn orthotics for about 25 years for running until about 2 years ago. During my transition from structured shoes to minimal shoes, I also transitioned out of my orthotics. It was a very successful transition for me until I went too far & fast into barefoot running and didn’t allow a couple of injuries to recover. My layman’s thoughts is that you could also successfully transition away from your orthotics but maybe only if you are already running in or transitioning into more minimal shoes. For me, I think, my orthotics were kind of a band aid for the lack of strength in my feet caused by my structured shoes.
Morten Munkholm says
Mr. Gangemi (the sock-doc) suggested I post the email I sent to him on this thread so here goes:
Greetings from Denmark! I’m a fan of your site and your videos have been a great help in dealing with my plantar fasciitis. In my long battle against plantar fasciitis, two things have helped me overcome it: Your info on trigger points in the calf and the finding of a more specific foot strengthening exercise compared to the toe curl, you and many others suggest. I found a scientific article discussing intrinsic versus extrinsic foot strength, in which they propose a better exercise to train intrinsic foot muscles rather than the toe curl that they suggest strengthen the extrinsic foot muscles instead. I’ve attached the document, but it can also be found through Google, which is how I came upon it. I just thought you might find it interesting.
Keep up the good work!
M. Shafer says
I’ve been treating (all the usual medical recommendations) my plantar fasciitis since January with no lasting results. Basically my heel is not bad at all if I don’t have to be on my feet for extended periods of time. If I do, it starts to hurt and then stiffens up if I sit down for more than a few minutes. Unlike most people, it’s pretty loose and comfortable when I first get up and is worst in the evening after a long day on my feet. I found your site on Monday of this week and have been spending as much time as I can barefoot, doing some foot exercises, and doing the trigger point work three or four times a day. I’m doing points both down my shins and on the outside of my thighs, even though only the right heel hurts. Questions: The trigger points seem to be more and more sensitive the more I do this and my ankle has a consistently stiff spot that I’m tempted to stretch. This is only day four. How long before I can expect trigger points to improve? How can I tell where the pain is referred from, so that I can work to strengthen that area? And finally, unless you happen to know a doctor in central Illinois that works the way you do, preferably one who also deals with middle age and women’s issues, how do I go about finding someone local help me who won’t recommend stretching and orthotics?
Sock Doc says
More on trigger points here:
Yeah sometimes it’s tough to find a doc who treats like the Sock Doc. You just have to ask around. I see several patients from Chicago so I don’t know anyone up there sorry.
qkd085 says
Hello, I wished I had found your site back in March when I first experienced PF in my left foot.I’ve trained in karate since 1985, never had a problem with my feet. In Jan 2011,I had surgery in my left shoulder to remove calcuim build up ( Acromioplasty & Debondement of cuff & labrum). After months of physio , I returned to my Karate training. Still had trouble with shoulder, so in February of this year, I decided to see an osteopath. He told me my problem was not my shoulder, but my left hip was slightly higher than my right & he would adjust it. After 20 minutes into the treatment, he yanked my left leg, felt a little pop. I walked out of there feeling great, like I was walking on air! I started to feel pain in my foot about 2 weeks later, could all this be related? In April, I limped into my family Dr’s office in so much pain, he gave me a cortisone shot, with a pamphlet on PF, advising me to stretch foot in the am , & stretch calf muscles…….TO STOP MY KARATE, NO BAREFOOT WALKING! After 1 month pain came back. Last week, I went to a physio therapist, who basically said the same thing. Had treatment there, tens machine & ultrasound. After seeing yourvideo on PF, I did pressure point massage, I was amazed on how the area from the side of my knee to my anle area was so tense & painful. I am so happy to walk barefoot gain! I do have sharp pains in my heal at times, especially when I first wake up or go for long walks with shoes on. Is it a good idea to get back to my Karate training? Thank you!
Sock Doc says
Good story, thanks for sharing. Yeah I’m sure a lot of those problems are related – the shoulder, hip, PF. Hard to say if you’re ready for karate again or a different type of active recovery. You’ll have to use your best judgement there with maybe the help of your doc. Check out the info in the SD First Aid series.
A Griffith says
Hi–Just found your site on YouTube. I have had PF that has gone away for the most part. I suffer from Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in both of my feet. I did not have TTS until I had PT for a ligament issue on my left foot. After several weeks of PT, I noticed I was developing other problems from one of the exercises I was doing and I let the therapist know I could not do it due to a new development. It was too late by that time. This took place approx. 4 years ago. The TTS is unbearable most of the time and I have had to learn to just deal with the pain. I have had cortisone injections on both feet 3 times and it helps for a while but any excessive walking or standing makes it so much worse. It is better than it was initially–I used to have to literally crawl up the stairs in my home. Now, I constantly have the burning sensation down the outer arch of my feet along with the agonizing pain.
Finding your site through YouTube is great as I just purchased a book regarding trigger points and I am extremely interested in it.
Are there trigger points for the TTS? Do you have any suggestions for care?
Sock Doc says
Cool, glad you found this info and I hope it helps. You’re not looking for “trigger points for TTS” – you’re looking for trigger points that will hopefully correct the muscle imbalances resulting in TTS. PF and TTS are very similar and typically result from the same imbalances – the tib posterior, soleus, and maybe some of the insertions on the bottom of the foot – hallucis brevis and peroneus longus. So other than this PF video make sure you check out the Foot Video too.
Cheryl Macari says
Dear Sock Doc
Just came across your site. I was told I had flat feet when I was young and even had a few pair of “special shoes”. I am 50 years old now and while the flat feet did not bother me when I was young in my 30’s I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis. My feet are flat as a pancake, I cannot walk long distances, and I cannot wear any feminine looking shoes. My arch (lack of) on my right foot actually bulges out. My footprint is like a giant blob. My Rheumatologist takes care of my RA but I really want to concentrate on my feet and get them better. I take Remicade and Methotrexate along with other meds.
Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
Sock Doc says
Perhaps you went from Flexible Flat Feet to Rigid Flat Feet as I discuss here:
Ultimately you need to address the autoimmune issue (RA) – find out what is attacking your immune system rather than only treat the symptoms with meds. That way you’re addressing your entire body which should also benefit your feet.
Shira says
My 6 year old daughter has been complaining, off an on, over the last month, about some pain in her heels when she walks. At first I attributed it to the sneakers someone gave us, since she’d been wearing shoes like Stride Rite, and other ‘flexible’ brands that are closer to barefoot. She’s always barefoot at home. She’s not an athlete, is active but doesn’t run a ton, you know… an average kid. I had the thought that maybe some growth spurt increased her weight and the extra weight on her feet caused this? That seems farfetched, since kids don’t gain weight that quickly, and she weighs the same as before. So, do you have any idea what could be causing this? For a kid, would the same treatment be recommended (scrunching a towel with your toes, looking for trigger points)?
Sock Doc says
Sounds a bit like Sever’s disease – though she is a bit young for that, but regardless, yes the treatment is the same. For kids especially make sure she’s getting plenty of saturated fats – butter, cream, and egg yolk.
Shira says
I just looked that up. That sounds about right, plantar faciitis symptoms, but caused by a growth spurt or sports (not the cause for her), and it says as young as 7 years old, although not common (this is from wikipedia). I’m glad its probably not something serious. I’ll show her how to do all your stuff when I do it for my own feet. What is the butter, cream and egg yolk for? She eats a lot of homemade and/or hagen daaz ice cream, which is full of all that. I’ll try getting more into her diet.
Sock Doc says
New post is just up so you can see the butter/cream/yolk need:
Joe says
Hello Doc, i have been diagnosed with PF and a Hell Spur in both my feet and have been suffering for over a year, i had 2 cortisone injections which only temporarily helped, i finally stopped going to my Podiatrist who obviously was not helping me and moving me towards custom orthodics and surgery, and went on YouTube and found a video on massaging the PF, this is my 2nd day and it actually helped me somewhat. I can only wear sneakers right now and i use a Heel cup support on my feet, can you recommend any other exercises or possibly vitamins such as calcium or organic apple cider vinegar in conjunction with your massages to rid me of my painful heel spurs for once and for all? Its been a nightmare living with this, i should not be limping in the street at 35! FYI i am very athletic, I goto the gym 3x week, im at a good body weight and i eat healthy, with plenty of fruits and veggies, and i am 6’2″.
Thank you
Sock Doc says
Hi Joe – I can’t recommend specific supplements w/o seeing you sorry. Everything I can recommend is in the PF post and video as well as the Sock Doc First Aid Series and SD Training Principles. Good luck.
Jay says
Hi Doc,
Great website, very informative.
I’ve experienced PF on and off throughout the years, however my main issue was that I was having pain in the shins when running (which later was diagnosed as lateral anterior compartment syndrome). Since then I have had a fasciotomy in both legs and am 11 weeks post surgery with 6 weeks of physiotherapy so far.
In the past week I have started to do 3-5 minutes of treadmill but am experiencing PF discomfort in my left arch with stiffness in my calf and front ankle joint. I’m not sure whether this discomfort is due to me getting back to running too soon or a separate issue completely. Any advise ? In the past I’ve had orthotics but have rarely made a impact.
Thanks, Jatin
Sock Doc says
Thanks Jatin and I hate to tell you that you’re really just experiencing new symptoms of the same problem. The fascial release for your shin splints didn’t “fix” the actual cause, it just dealt with the symptoms. Now you’re still dealing with the same imbalances and more as that surgery will create more muscle imbalances.
So you have to check all the trigger points as I discuss, evaluate/assess your lifestyle stressors including training and footwear and especially diet and may be a good idea to find a good doc or therapist who doesn’t just address the symptoms.
David says
Dear Soc Doc
Thank you for the expertise and assistance that you are providing on this site.
I am a 10k – half marathon runner age 49. In May 2011 I got a small tear in my left achilles upon finishing a 10k road race. Shortly after PF also developed. I received a PRP injection in Sept 2011 on the achilles and began an intensive set of Alfredson eccentric heal drops. Have done these heal drops religiously since then. Throughout all of this I was also aggressively engaging in lots of stretching, foam roller, spiky ball, and the stick. All achilles issues are resolved now, but the PF still remains – but mild. I have been only back to running since February and it has not been too successful. My questions are –
(1) Is PF often associated with achilles tears?
(2) Did the eccentric heal drops hinder the healing of the PF and am I correct in stopping the heal drops? (as per your recommendation I have put on hold my stretching routine)
(3) I have a discomfort on the top of my left foot that I am suspecting is connected to the PF – “top heal pain”. It does hurt more at the end of the run and the day after. Is it okay to run with this discomfort or will it resolve itself as the PF goes away?
(4)Today I ran in bare feet on grass for a few km and felt great. I can walk all day barefoot with no pain. The PF hurts primarily in the morning only. I recently purchased a pair of Saucony Kinvara 3 and have run in them a few times. Should I continue on this path or wait for the PF to completely heal? I really want to get out of my Asics Cumulus.
Thank for your time – Dave in Toronto
Sock Doc says
1. PF and Achilles problems are both from lower leg muscle weakness & imbalance so yes you can have one problem resulting in one, or both, symptom.
2. I don’t subscribe to the heel drops. I don’t think they’re bad – just unnecessary. If you were stretching the calves/Achilles out at the bottom of the drop that would be bad.
3. Hard to say – you’re going to get little aches and pains in various spots as a result of the lower leg & foot weaknesses.
4. Those Kinvaras have a pretty big stack height: 23mm heel, 19mm forefoot, so personally I wouldn’t wear them. I like the NB Minimus Trail (MT10) which is 15mm-11mm > so still a 4mm drop like your Kinvaras but 8mm less shoe throughout. And the new zeros are 12mm throughout. But ultimately it’s what works best for you.
David says
As per your recommendation, I will take steps to address the muscle weakness/imbalance in that weaker leg. Regarding the Kinvaras, I thought they would be a good transitional shoe considering I have been running in big cushy Asics. I am taking this transition slowly as I find the lower platform quite tiring as it does get me off my heels. I will follow your recommendations and hope to report back marked improvement in a few months. Thanks for your help. This is a terrific web site. – Dave
Sock Doc says
Sounds good. Sure if you feel like the Kinvaras work for you then that’s find. I recommend the Nike Free + a lot which is a similar stack/drop. But with either shoe it’s best to move on (out of them) as quickly as you can.
Mike says
My pain is not in my heel but in my arch. I do have high arches and I do run. I also do not notice it more the first thing in the morning like a lot of websites say. I see a lot of places say that tight calf muscles can cause this pain. My calf muscle is actually where I first felt pain. I know you say not to stretch your planter fascia but should I be stretching my calf muscle? If so, in what fashion?
Sock Doc says
I say not to stretch ANY muscle actually – so the answer is no. The height of your arch has nothing to do with it either. Read here (and the links off this article too):
Emma says
I believe I have PF quite badly at the moment. I have it in both feet, at the same time and have given up basketball because I can not walk the next day plus I have has to reduce work as a waitress for the same reasons. I also struggle getting up in the night and most nights crawl to the toilet. My kinesiologist also says it is from too much stress in my case kids, husband, work and trying to please everyone as a result my diet is poor too much sugar which is also leading to adrenal stress and excessive weight. I have been suffering like this for around 8 months.
I know exercise is an awesome stress reliever but what do I choose aerobically given how much pain I am currently in? Massaging the calf area 2x day and waking around barefoot as much as possible.
Sock Doc says
I’d suggest you listen to your doctor and see what you can do to reduce the stress – especially the dietary stress. There’s no reason to eat sugar and most likely it is contributing to your problem.
Chelsie says
I came across this video about 6+ weeks ago. I spent the summer working on my feet in a summer camp kitchen and the pain was excruciating and had to quit exercising on my feet – jump roping, jumping jacks, lunges, etc. I still use superfeet but have added in the massaging and simple exercises you suggested. It has helped tremendously! I have PF in both feet but was by far the worst in my right foot. I found so many more knots/tender spots in my right leg when I started. I wish my doctor would have told me about doing this months ago (maybe he doesn’t know??). Thank you for the info! It has made all the difference!
Sock Doc says
Yeah Chelsie!
Lisa says
I have a bump on the top part of my left big toe (not the side) that can be painful when I wear tight-fitting shoes with a heel. In these cases, and except when I bump the big toe I don’t really experience any pain. I hurt my back about 3 years ago, and that finally healed. I think it was diagnosed as a sacrai iliac joint problem. I was in pain for a year, but with exercises, it went away. However, shortly afterwards I developed the bump on my big toe. It has mobility and doesn’t really bother me that much except when I wear dress shoes. For the past year or so I have noticed that when I get up from sitting for awhile I am often stiff in my feet, walking gets rid of this. However, recently, I went from a cold wet climate in Scotland to warm hot humid weather in Venice, and I also was wearing my dress shoes for the evenings, but not walking very far in them. I found I could hardly get the one shoe on my foot. I was also bitten by, I think, the mosquitoes that are in Venice and got itchy bumps on my feet from the bites which have now disappeared. However, since I have returned, I have had sore calves that get better as I walk, sore heels and ankles at night, especially in the left ankle. I also had tightens in my jaw after returning which has now disappeared. I suffer from headaches, too, which can be quite incapacitating, with pressure behind the eyes. I feel that something has worsened since I was in Venice. My feet hurt and feel so tired all the time, as if I have walked a huge number of miles. People recommended getting rocker sole shoes, but I am uncertain what to do as I don’t want to make things worse. I have an ache-like pain in my calves and in my feet. On the other foot I have a very weak ankle that I sprained badly as a child and broke three years ago. On certain pavements and when I am tired, it completely gives away and I fall over on it. Very worried about this as I don’t want to break it again. Basically, I am experiencing a lot of chronic aches now that don’t seem to go away. At night the pain in my feet an achilles tendon can be really bad. My calves are so tight sometimes I can hardly walk. Would appreciate any comments, Thanks, Lise
Sock Doc says
I’d say you need to take a step back and read (all) the articles I have in the “Start Here” box in the upper right of the sidebar. 🙂
Richard says
As far as I can tell, I’ve had flat feet my whole life, but it has never given me pain or perceivably affected me…..until I joined the Army in 2005. Long story really short, I was removed from training on the 12th week out of 15 weeks and eventually given the choice to be discharged….and foolishly, I took it. Fast forward 7 years later to today and I’m still miserable and broken, yet I’d love nothing more than to reenlist and (try to) serve again.
Within the first 12 months after returning home, I saw a podiatrist. After going through stretches, pretty gnarly cortisone shots, and finally buying her $425 orthotics, I lost faith and stopped seeing her. I’ve resigned myself to the idea that this is something I’m going to live with for the rest of my life.
Couple months ago, I decided to see a different podiatrist and see if I can rid myself of this nightmare. This time around I tried splints, stretches, myofascial physical therapy – a blissfully excruciating vibrating rod was jabbed deep into my calves and feet – for 4 or 5 sessions before it was deemed ineffective, kinesio taping w/instructions from youtube, foam rolling my calves, and finally I stopped seeing her when she offered to make me her $435 custom orthotics. I lost faith yet again.
This time however, I’ve grown a bit and so has the internet.
I got my VFF and BF walking at least is an awesome feeling…I’m just really not much of a runner. I started to get acute heel pain after walking in them and I lost motivation again.
I have two types of pain and the acute type is not even that bad. All I have to do is get off my feet and massage. It’s the soft but heightened swelling throbbing pain that drives me insane because there’s not a damn thing I can do about it except sit it out, let it run it’s course, and endure it. I get the swelling-type pain during and after long-duration physical activities, such as hiking for 6 hours, or standing in place for more than an hour or two…..nothing destroys me faster than standing in place for a period of time. I get the acute pain more from bursts of short but intense activities, such as walking fast, jogging/running, hard short hikes.
I’ve found after all this, consistently and religiously torturing my feet with a golf ball has given me the best long-term effect. I give myself the golf ball solution every night and when motivated, throughout the whole day at my desk job or in front of my computer at home. Now it feels like the golf ball is rolling against cartilage soup, and I’m hitting some of the crunchy stuff deep in my left foot.
Also, foam rollers are awesome and I love punishing my calves with them…when I’m motivated.
I still don’t have much faith, and I highly disagree with my previous podiatrists’ treatments of the symptoms and not the problem and regret all the money I so willingly threw at them. I’ve been inactive and sedentary for nearly 7 years, and both have reasoned that their treatments are so my plantar fascia can “rest and heal up”.
Where I’m at today: For several months now I’ve been forcing myself to golf ball myself every night despite any current (de)motivational status. I’m feeling a little motivated now so I’m going to start foam rolling my calves again. I attribute the golf ball solution for ridding me of the first-steps ailment. I’m not a very active person, for fear of aggravating the demons that live in my feet (and lets face it….I’m not the most motivated person in the world), so I can’t accurately gauge how broken I still am. I’m also losing some weight, which I heard might help a little. I’ve learned that PF is something you can’t ‘fight through’ and it only gets worse if you ignore it and soldier on. Well….in a training environment like Army Infantry….fighting through pain and ignoring it is the only option until something bad happens O_o.
So I finally got home and watched your video (work blocks them). I’m a firm believer that strengthening my feet will help me rid my ailment and not just address the symptoms.
Is the golf ball solution considered stretching the plantar fascia? I’m in love with this nefarious device.
Is foam rolling enough to take care of getting rid of the sore spots on the back of my calves? What I do is place the roller under my calves at the head-side, grind my legs into the roller laterally (not in the roll direction), then adjust a little bit towards my feet-side and repeat, slowly getting my entire calves.
Thank you for the video!
Plantar Fasciitis
Pes Planus
Extra navicular bone
Hammer (mallet) toes
Chronic ingrown toenail on big toes!
Chris says
Hi Sock Doc,
Thanks for the great site – I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve had PF for about 5 months now, developed it when I stepped up my running mileage and switched from running inside on treadmills to outside on concrete. I used to run 20-30 miles a week and do triathlons.
I have tried the standard treatments for the acute pain and have had a podiatrist, sports orthopedist and physical therapist evaluate my foot. I find that their focus on the acute pain helps for the short-term (NSAIDs, orthotic inserts, taping, ice bottle rolls) but hasn’t seemed to fix the chronic but less severe pain.
Thanks to reading through your site, I’m switching my therapy regime to the following:
1) No more orthotic inserts
2) No more NSAIDs
3) More Barefoot walking; transition from stability shoe to minimalist shoe
4) Trigger point massages on calves – I’ve found the foam rollers to really help
5) Golf ball massages on bottom of feet to help circulation
I was curious to hear your opinion on taping – my PT recommended it and it’s felt great when I’ve used it. I went ~4 weeks with my heel being constantly taped and it reduced the pain.
I’m now planning to phase out the taping, and only use it when I’m in pain. Does that make sense? Would it make sense to tape before I run?
Have you investigated the bloodflow stimulation therapies? They are wraps that are supposed to stimulate bloodflow and improve circulation in the foot. I’m thinking about trying them out too.
Sock Doc says
Hi Chris – I’m pretty much a hands-on type of doc. I don’t use tape or braces of any type, for the most part. When I do tape, it’s for 24-48 hours at most. If you always need to support the area, your body is not properly adapting and healing. So if you are in pain, and have to tape, and it helps with the pain that’s better than a NSAID or ice, but you’re not correcting the problem.
Sherry V. says
Doctor, can you recommend a doctor for flat feet with arch pain in the Bucks County, PA or Montgomery County, PA area? I think I went to a conventional doctor who gave me exercises with poor instructions and he seemed very uncertain about being able to help me. Also he said I could try orthotics, one of the indications that he was unsure. He also said the arch pain is not coming from my feet, but from my lower spine/sacral problems (which are severe). This did not make sense to me. ::::shrug::::
Sock Doc says
Sorry – no referrals anymore on this site 🙁 I don’t know anyone in the PA area either way though.
Michael says
Hi , i got plantar fasciitis for 3 month. i have tried from ultra sound to accupuncture until recently i used nike free 5.0 in the gym and it’s actually making it feel better. I enjoyed your article, but i am still have trouble with that first step when i sit down or get out of bed in the morning. I consistently roll my foot on a tennis ball to help massage it. Can you give me some advice?
Sock Doc says
Don’t roll your foot – check those trigger points in the calf as I show in the video and if that doesn’t help then evaluate your stress levels. PF is huge with too much stress (diet/work/training/etc.)
Peggy Lambdin says
Question: I have been diagnosed with PF and tibial tendon dysfunction and have had pain for 5 months that has not resolved. I have bought two different orthotic inserts, one custom, wear night splint, compression sock, ice, lots of stretching. Have been told to NEVER go barefoot. None of this has worked.
What is your opinion of the night splint.
Sock Doc says
None of it has worked because it’s all wrong. Night splints are as effective as a square wheel.
Peggy Lambdin says
After following all this bad advice, it hurts quite a bit to walk barefoot. How do I ease into walking barefoot again?
Sock Doc says
You’re referring to my bad advice or whose?
chris says
I’ve had some under the heel pain for about 2 weeks. I found this site and tried the calf massage (trying to locate the trigger point) and found a super sore spot in my calf. I am assuming this is the trigger point I need to massage? How often should I massage it? I have been massaging it alot, but it’s still sore so do I need to “work out” the soreness? My heel pain is much much better now, still there a little, but way better.
Thanks for the site and info.
Sock Doc says
Check out this for more on trigger points:
Candi says
I have had PF for about a year now, I have only recently gone to a podiatrist who recommended the standard stuff, orthodontics, steroid shots, strecthing, a night brace, none of which has seemed to help. But I have another issue they think cause it, and that is that my right leg is quite a bit shorter than my left. They gave me a wedge to wear in my shoe, which is miserable and actually causes my back to hurt (and I have scolosis, so I am just a mess). How do these physical conditions impact my PF and is there anything different I should do other than what you recommended here?
Sock Doc says
Hi Candi – I often say to people – “Sometimes you just gotta be treated by a doc or therapist who looks at the entire body from a structural, nutritional, and emotional perspective and understands how everything is interrelated and attributing to a health issue or injury.” Although there’s not a lot of “us” out there, that’s your best bet. A good doc will be able to get you back in a very short period of time and if not, at least explain why it may take longer. So look for a chiropractor, PT, or maybe even a rolfer who can help you. Putting a wedge under the short leg just makes up the difference from the foot to the ground. It is actually the opposite leg (the longer one) where the hip is lower – and putting a wedge under that foot can balance the hips. I don’t use wedges ever in any case – but just letting you know there’s a 50/50 case for either side. 🙂
Jess says
I was diagnosed with overpronation, as well as PF (and a heel spur) about a year ago. Since that time I have been using orthotics. I have been experiencing TERRIBLE pain in my knees, hips, and even my neck and shoulder on my right side. Within the last couple of months I have actually been able to stand bare foot (there was a period of time that this was an impossible task). I am extremely overweight and think this may have caused the weakening of my bones and muscles. I fear that walking without my orthotics will cause a greater deal of pronounced pronation. Is that possible? Also, if I no longer use the orthotics or heel cushionings, how can I prevent the heel pain when walking?
Sock Doc says
That’s an in-depth question and I think if you read the articles under “start here” you will learn a lot and get you going in the right direction.
Raquel says
Hi – I have had PF for a couple of months and following the advice of stretching and wearing supportive shoes and orthotic insoles – it doesn’t seem to make any difference. After watching your video I immediately went barefoot and found sore spots along my shins (and gave them a good massage). Your advice makes sense to me so hoping to start improving. I was just wondering if I should be resting from sport (racquetball and tennis)? I would rather deal with the pain than give up sport but I don’t want to risk long term injury.
Sock Doc says
You should be resting from any high intensity training. Check out the First Aid Series:
Luke says
Hi Sock Doc,
I am currently experiencing plantar faciitis. I’ve started barefoot and minimalist running about 9 months ago. I started progressively with running/walking 1 min. alternatively and then increasing the running time up to about 30 minutes 100% running. I also started wearing minimalist shoes (Vivobarefoot) about 6 months ago since it felt so good running minimalist. The pain started about 1 month ago, back then it was just a superficial pain at the first contact of my feet on the ground after getting out of bed. It then gradually increased ’till last week felt like a knife under the heels. What do you suggest I do besides strenghtening exercises? I stopped running since then. When should I resume? Should I wear some orthotics part-time to relieve some stress for my feet, especially at time where I have to stand up on concrete?
Thanks in advance,
Sock Doc says
I can suggest what I show in the video (a lot more than the strengthening exercises you mention) and the info in the First Aid Series.
The day/moment you see me recommend orthotics is the day I shut this site down. I don’t make exceptions, though you’re not a patient of mine so you have to go with what you feel is right for you.
Robert Kennedy says
Like others, I’ve developed PF recently in one foot, my left foot. I’ve been barefoot/minimal for about 2 years. I think my diet is good, with lots of protein & complex carbs. I don’t think I’m overtraining; 15 miles of running per week along 2-3 strength training days/week. same schedule for a couple of years now. I’m looking for trigger points in my left leg and not finding anything obvious. however, i have 2 potential culprits: one, i had an injury to the front of my left tibula a few months ago when I ran into my dog’s jaw during a run. It was way painful for several weeks. nothing seemed broken so i just let it heal naturally. two, i have a dull pain in my lower back. I get back pains now & then when i get lax on keeping my core strong. my suspicion is that my left foot PF is somehow related to the past tibula injury but I’m not quite sure how to proceed from here. when i first discovered the PF, I had not been here yet so i tried the usual night brace & NSAID routine. after a couple of weeks, the pain did mostly subside but it has since returned. only thing i have not really done much of is the toe curls that you recommend. main thing that i’m thinking about now is how to get past this previous tibula injury. thanks for any thoughts…
Sock Doc says
Since all you’ve done so far are the toe curls I’d recommend you follow the other advice I show in the video and discuss in the First Aid Series.
Robert Kennedy says
Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you very much for the reply.
Bob Kennedy
Ben Rooney says
Here is what happened, I’ll try to keep it short. Started minimal running, all was good. Sprained left ankle, then went back to running, and then got PF. Took all the “mainstream” advice to no avail, big old shoes, orthotics, stretching…etc.. Had some minor hip surgery (torn labrum) which required 1 month off of left foot and hoped that would do it. Upon walking again, it had gotten worse. I did some reading online and went back to minimal shoes, have done some strengthening, but was also doing stretching. Two weeks later it is a better but not gone. I have noticed a lot of tenderness in my calf muscle on the inside of the shin bone on the I am going to stop with the night splints and stretching. Overall my lack of recovery makes perfect sense with your reasoning, but I have a few questions. I know you can’t answer specifics so just looking for general guidelines.
1) I have noticed that my left side has a much weaker calf muscle then my right. Should I be strengthening that muscle? If so, should i do standard calf raises or eccentric ones. I figure strengthening my other calf muscles can help take the strain off of the muscle parts near the shin bone.
2) How do i prevent this area in calf from getting tight?
3) Okay no stretching the foot or calf muscles… But I go to yoga regularly, and downward dog stretches both of those. Should I stop going to yoga? I read your post about yoga not being typical stretching, so I assume its fine. Just don’t push myself into discomfort in those stretches?
Thanks for all your help. This injury has been consuming my mind and body for far too long!
Sock Doc says
Just as you can’t loosen a tight muscle with stretching you can’t strengthen a muscle that is neurologically shut down (weak) from an injury by exercising it. It will never happen. You work the trigger points and adjust your diet as I mention many places on the SD site to help heal tissue from the inside-out. Once the muscle no longer “feels weak” you can do exercises. I think walking barefoot is a great place to start, or even balance board type exercises.
You prevent the area in the calf from becoming tight by correcting the muscle imbalances, which might need the assistance of a skilled doc or therapist who knows how to treat these types of things.
Right – yoga is okay as long as you aren’t just there stretching muscles, especially injured ones, like crazy.
Ben Rooney says
Thanks, it is already feeling better. Yeah I had extremely tender trigger points in my calf. The pain now seems to be localized all the way in the back of the heel in the center, right before the foot ends. I checked for trigger points tied with achilles tendonitis but they were not tender. I’m guessing I just need to give this more time. What are your thoughts on using scraping methods on the bottom of the foot along the arch?
Sock Doc says
Sure you can use the scraping methods – but really that’s just another fancy term form for working the trigger points and I personally never see a need to strip down the entire plantar fascia.
Blue says
Hi, Sock Doc!
First of all, thanks so much for this site – most of my foot pain has gone away since I stopped walking outdoors so much in my current shoes and started walking barefoot at home (vs slippers).
Two questions for you:
1) Last week, I started massaging the trigger points in my legs, and it’s helping. Do you happen to know what the trigger points are for hands and wrists? I’d love to try this to treat what I think is developing into carpal tunnel.
2) This question’s actually about Mrs. Sock Doc: Does she wear boots? If so, which brand and model? I’d like to find a pair that can withstand snow and icy sidewalks – it can get pretty awful here in Pennsylvania. I’ve checked out Vivo’s line, but I just wanted to check with you first before I ordered anything.
Thanks so much again!!
Sock Doc says
1. The wrist & hand points can be anywhere in the forearm – flexors or extensors. For ligaments make sure you read the new article:
And check out the Elbow Video as the pronator and supinator has a lot to do with wrist & hand problems – also note the pronator quadratus muscle (wrist area).
2. She does not, but my kids do and they wear Vivobarefoot boots. They’re crazy expensive but you can sometimes get them 1/2 off. I’d spring for the Vivo boots if you like them, or find something with little to no heel.
Mia says
I just want to thank you. Over a year ago my feet were hurting a lot, I couldn’t run, I was really bummed. I had a good physical therapist whose treatment was congruent with your approach, but your input really made the difference. A year later I’m running a lot, feeling great, happy feet. Thank you.
Sock Doc says
Awesome Mia, thanks!
Kris says
Hi Doc, i’m not from the US and came on your site by accident. Like most of the people who suffer PF i also did the “classic” first (orthotics, stretch, ice, ibu’s etc…)
I didnt feel much of improvement so i went on the internet to gather more information and try something else. That’s how i got on your site here. Anyway, the reason why i believe in your theory and advice is because it makes much more sense then the classic things. A foot is made to walk barefoot!
So i dropped the orthotics and bought me a pair of Nike Free 4.0 which i absolutely love! I wear them as much as possible (even at work)
Now what i found difficult is to track these triggerpoints, honestly i cant feel that much in my calvs. What i do now is massage my calves all the way down to the achillis with a roller on the floor, would that be a good treatment??
Thanks a lot!
Sock Doc says
As I show it the video you need to get on the tib posterior muscle, which you can’t do with a foam roller. You need to use your fingers and get on the inside of the tibia (shin) bone, and also check the insertion by the arch of the foot.
Kris says
Yes i did but as i understand from your video, these triggerpoints are sore spots which you actually can feel, problem is that i dont feel much. I went down the tibia with my fingers left and my right leg to feel any differences but i dont feel much difference nor weak spots. That makes it hard to massage my calves cos i cant found these triggerpoints.
Are these triggerpoints always related to Plantar Fasciitis?
Kind regards
Sock Doc says
If you have PF then you will have a trigger point somewhere, it may be very small – less than 1cm in diameter. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s where the problem is coming from, as explained here:
Courtney says
I wish I had visited your site this before I asked for, and received, $400 orthotics from Good Feet for my birthday. I’m a runner and work as a cook so I’m on my feet all day for work. I bought the orthotics for my PF, but after wearing them for several days, my lower back completely froze up and I have been literally unable to walk for three days.
Have you ever heard of this? What is your experience with Good Feet…are they a scam? I had a spinal fusion five years ago and have a cage in my lower back, but have had no back problems since. I am so scared…what can I be doing to make this excruciating, debilitating back pain go away? (Ironically, my PF has gone away, but at the expense of my ability to function)
Sock Doc says
Injuries from orthotics are not uncommon.
Good Feet, Super Feet, etc…I they’re all for support when your feet (health) fails.
If the orthotics started the back pain and removing them didn’t resolve it then you should go see a doc (perhaps a chiropractor or PT: who doesn’t use orthotics or stretch) who can help you with that.
Will says
Hi Doc,
Thanks for the video!
I recently switched to Nike Frees after running for years in typical running shoes. Never had much trouble with PF before but I just did two hour-long runs in the evening and following morning and got nasty PF. It is MUCH worse in the right foot. (I’m right handed.)
Do you think this is related to needing to ease into minimalist footwear? And why only in the right foot?
Sock Doc says
Sure you could have transitioned too quickly. Read this, especially the part near the end on how to transition.
I’d estimate that right foot PF is more common – say 75/25 (R/L) over the left. The reason is because the right lower leg/knee/foot is more directly related to adrenal gland and sex hormones, the left is more thyroid. That’s a story for another day why it is, but it has to do with how hormones affect muscles.
Jeannie says
Hello Doc, I’ve been hurting quite a bit since July. I started out with plantar fasciitis. The doctor gave me a shot in my heel and prescribed me some orthotics. I believe this is where the bulk of my problems began. A few months after my shot I was able to run again and was doing quite well. Then I felt a couple of pops in my foot and I have been in constant pain since. I don’t know if I have a fallen arch or what. I just know that i have a lot of achy pain along the inside of my foot. It has also started hurting along the topside of my outer part of my foot between the middle and my pinky toe. I’m totally at a loss because all x rays and MRI’s have shown no problems. I really don’t know what to do at this point. I’m going to start doing the pressure point massage that you suggest, but if you know of anything else I can do to speed things up I would appreciate it. I was big on stretching but I see now that was wrong, other then that I’ve been doing the towel exercise as well as rubbing my foot over a frozen water bottle. Tired of hurting and really need your advice.
Thanks, Jeannie
Sock Doc says
What an X-RAY and MRI showed no problem but you’re in pain! How can this be? I’m just kidding – it’s so common and so many rely on these expensive, though sometimes necessary but way overused diagnostic tests, to figure out what is wrong. You need to start with the advice I show in the video and the First Aid Series. Lots of other stuff on this site about why injuries occur.
Sasha says
Hi Doc: What an accomplishment to publish your website and diligently answer most visitors questions! Incredible job! Much appreciate your hard work and selflessness.
Current injury (MRI, ultrasound around sesamoid, plantar and ankle)- mild tendon erosion of tib post and peronal tendons; tibial sesamoid fx susacute and retrocalcaneal surfitis and plantar faciitis. (R foot) Past injury : inverted ankle injury with almost fractured outside tendon and split inside tendons – healed with PRP. (L foot)
I used to say “I was born on heels” Worked in retail for two decades. Lots of physical and emotional stress. While at work I walk 5-7 miles daily on 2-3” heels, and walk a steep flight of stairs, sometimes with loads of merchandise. In addition to prolong standing periods. Genetically, my right foot may be longer than left (about 10 mm). Week hamstrings. Week gluteus. Tight hips. High arches. Vit D level at 22 (!) No back ache what so ever – yet . For the last two months I worked with a trainer to strengthen the hamstrings and starting to work with PT with ultrasound and muscle stimulation modalities as well as muscle trigger point massage. And last but not least, acupuncture treatments along with Exogen bone stimulator. My tib muscle is very painful and stiff/bulked.
Wondering if you can help with my healing strategy at this point? How do I heal sesamoid Fx while having PF?What type of sneakers / shoes? Can a shoe lift or temporarily orthotics help while healing the sesamoid ?
Supplements: Is Manganese 50 safe with no harmful side effects… I here it’s dangerous for the liver? Which Jarrow supplement is better?
Thank you for your response and Wishes for a wonderful holiday season ahead! –Sasha
P.S. How long it takes to get a phonecall appointment with you?
Sock Doc says
Thanks Sasha – Check out the articles on this site about orthotics – I personally never use them for my patients, or heel lifts either. I discuss Mn in the Stress Fx article too. Right now phone consults are about 6 weeks.
Sasha says
Dr. Soc Doc: Thank you for taking the time to respond and the links. I have read everything about plantar and sesamoid fracture on your website. 6 weeks sounds like an eternity when you are injured…nevertheless still interested. Two days ago, i woke up with excruciating pain pain which radiated up the side of the thigh – after googling it appears to be ITB tendon inflammation. I saw acupuncturist / massage therapist. From his trigger point massage i discovered that I not only had the ITB but my PTT (inside calf) are very painful and sore. He said: the ITB comes from weakness in my lower back/hips and the soreness of the PTT is my kidney and liver.
I am following the PTT trigger point massage from your video… Any thoughts on the new development of my situation? Would you suggest any treatment for the ITB and what could be causing it? Thank you immensely.
Sock Doc says
Check out my ITB Video here:
Alicia says
THANK YOU SOCK DOC!! Any suggestion of how to start back up to running after taking a couple of months “off”? I say “off”, but I’ve been running small amounts like during a crossfit workout…
Saw you signed up for Spartan Beast… I work out with an obstacle course training group in Raleigh if you have any interest in coming out, we always have fun (EOCR on FB or Meetup). It surprised me that with all of the running/minimalist/mud run/obstacle course enthusiasts that I know, no one recommended anything like this before I found your site (searching for a local barefoot running doctor – was thrilled to know you are here). I’m telling everyone!! Thanks again, Alicia
Sock Doc says
Hey Alicia, That depends on how much you were running previously and how much you want to run now. So it’s tough to answer, and I’m assuming you had plantar fasciitis and that’s why you took a couple months off. So if you’re pain free, then start by doing very aerobic runs 15-20 mins a few times a week and go from there, as I discuss in the Training Principles.
Thanks for your invite, I just joined the FB group. 🙂
Mark Galas says
Doc, you have really educated me on the subject, thank you very much, I could not agree with you more after reading your articles and watching this video. My problem is weakness in foot muscles around the arch. A bit if history: had PF, my doctor prescribed orthotics, they cost me $450.00 here in Toronto. They seemed to cure my PF (sort off), but after 3 mos. of wearing them, I noted that my feet muscles in my left leg are week around the arch. I also developed slight pain/fatigue in my both hands (could be related?). As of today, I am ditching my expensive orthotics. However, I somehow need to strengthen the weakened muscles. I will try what you are suggesting in the video. Any other suggestions?
Thank you,
Sock Doc says
Walking and balancing barefoot (in your house) is the best way to go about strengthening your feet; more here:
Oscar says
Hi Soc-Doc,
7 weeks ago I went for a run that stopped me in my tracks with bad arch/toe pain. I believe its from PF and watched your video. After finding some trigger points deep in my calf, things got better (walking more or less pain free, but still can’t quite run). This has been going on for 7 weeks now. I’ve got a tight lump/knot on the bottom of my foot (right in the arch) that seems to get better with rolling it over a tennis ball, but usually comes back by the next day. It also hurts between the 4th-5th metatarsals. An x-ray has supposedly ruled out a stress fracture. I had been running in INOV8 minimalist shoes for almost the 9 months. Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Sock Doc says
Look for other points deep in your calf. Also check out the Trigger Point Article if you haven’t yet.
Oscar says
Thanks. I read the article, but couldn’t find anymore trigger points. If I still have pain under the right side of my foot; where should I look for the pain source? Also, I still have the lump in my plantar…should I keep rolling it on a tennis ball, or do something else. I do have an ultrasound and bone scan booked to rule out anything else. Thanks!
Sock Doc says
Best advice (and free) I can offer you is what is in the post & video and in the Sock Doc First Aid Series. Also check out the Trigger Point Article to understand more about why they’re there and what to do about them.
John Calhoun says
I had PF for months and did what I was told: rest, wait, and orthotics, yet it never got better and I still had immense pain in the mornings. I realized I had a small bone spur and started doing research and found your video. It was truly amazing! I found the sore, tight spot by my tibia (which I didn’t know I even had) and rubbed it like you said. The pain moved out of my heel and within 4 days my foot felt better than it had in months. I was in awe!! I’m walking barefoot as much as possible, but now when I run I still have a very sore, tight heel. I didn’t rush back into running and have drastically limited my mileage. I have no pain anywhere else in my leg and I’m at a loss at what else I can do. I can’t fathom the thought of not running, so I’m asking you for any other suggestions or what I may have missed.
Sock Doc says
There is most likely a very tender trigger point or area deep in your soleus, just above your Achilles. Check that.
saff says
Hi dr sock hope your feet are well! This is saff the ?5 km have been reading lots of your informative articles but i am still injured.for almost 1 month the inside of my ankle between my ankle and my arch hurt like crazy.heres the background info.i wore columbia ravenous lite trail shoes on the road and trail.i ran my fastest 5 mike tempo on he dirt but i am not sur if the injury is a pary result of useing them on the road to.Also i over pronate like crazy in the injured left foot.i have been adjusted by chyro and been doing foot strengthening exersizes but foot is still bad.i wear 8mm drp shoes and asics piranha 4 shoes.i was wondering if i will mostly have injury problems as i have a hip rotation/pelvic tilt.does this cause the pronation and would this give an exception for using a mild arch support insole as even after chiro adjustments there is still a leg lengh difference.sorry to write so much , i am desperate to return to hard trainning and finally compete so any good suggestions would be fantastic.thanks.:
Sock Doc says
If the chiro doc is figuring out why the muscles are imbalanced then you won’t need the arch support. If there is still a great leg length discrepancy after you are treated then there are still missing pieces to the puzzle; maybe you try another doc or therapist.
saff says
Hi dr sock.thank you.sorry for spelling errors.i am never long enough in the same place to find out why my hips rotate and i have a pelvic any other suggetions to find out why my boddy does this?do you think wearing trail shoes on the road made it worse?any suggestions with regards to footwear please and do you think i should avoid a mild arch support insole.or should i use it only on long recovery running and not speed work and every day walking hanging out.thanks
Sock Doc says
I can’t give you specific advice, sorry. I have some shoe recommendations in the “Lose Your Shoes” article. If you were my patient you wouldn’t be wearing any arch support, but you’re not :).
Remember that if you’re injured you probably should not be doing speed work.
saff says
Hi dr sock, thank you so much for all your help.i will reread all your articles and watch through the videoa again.actuall yesterday i ran some 200s but not v fast 38s and my foot was not too bad.truth is it could be to do with transitioning because i wore an 8 mm shoe and it hurt a lot, then wore a 4 mm shoe for 200s and i barely felt have convinced me not to use an arch support.i will always wonder if the running in my trail shoes on the road made my foot worse.oh well thanks again for fast replies and good advice.saff
George W says
First time viewer – I’ve experenced PF symptoms for years now – standing and walking on hard concrete floors all day probably didn’t help. I was wondering though, I do work out and go to spin classes 5 days a week for a few years now. Could that be a contributing factor? Or is it ok to continue with this exercise? Also, is there some weight lifting exercise or machine that will strengthen those muscles? And finally, I have wide feet and would like to try some Zero shoes for work – any recommendations?
Sock Doc says
Spinning classes are typically all anaerobic – which will lead you to an injury like PF (Read the SD Training Principles).
No weights of any type will help heal PF.
Check the article “Lose Your Shoes” for footwear advice and recommendations.
Michele says
This is an eye opener!! I have been dealing with plantars on and off for a year now. I was working on my feet all day on a concrete floor (no longer work there) and training for a marathon when it started. My foot doc had me wear orthotics. It never fully went away. Now it’s flared up again and I haven’t run for a week. I have been spinning, but I see on the previous post that I shouldn’t do that either. What can I do? I hate not being able to work out…
I am going to try all your suggestions. I do have hot spots in my calf. I hope to find relief soon. How long do you think it will take to heal if I stay off my feet (no exercising) and do your suggested treatments? I miss running desperately!
Sock Doc says
Check out the Sock Doc Training Principles as PF is often associated with excess anaerobic training or overall stress. As with anything, the time it takes you to recover depends on what is causing your injury.
And ditch that primitive device (the foot brace) you have in your blog photo!
Michele says
Thanks for the response! So far I have read the first part of your training principles and already I see I have a lot to learn. I also have recently started using my heart rate monitor… and your calculator has helped me see what rate I should be exercising–I’ve been trying to push too hard it seems. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your training principles.
I think my injury is caused by a multitude of factors: calf weakness, muscle imbalance, over training, diet (i’m working on that), and most importantly hormonal stress/imbalance (something I need to check out with a doc–I’m no spring chicken and menopause is right around the corner!) 🙂
Thanks for checking out my blog. Yes, I am ditching the foot brace. lol
Ben says
Hi there,
I’ve written once already on this post and once on the achilles tendonitis post. The issue doesn’t seem to be going away, sometimes i have both at the same time, sometimes just one, but never is it all better. The pain is mild, but it just doesn’t seem to go away. My balancing is strong, and my calf rises are going well. I have started doing the running in place a bit, but that usually aggravates it the next day. I have noticed a lot of tenderness (much more than the other side) just below the medial malleolus of the tibia bone. Upon doing research, the pain is in the Adbuctor Hallicus muscle right below the bumb of the tibia, and that seems to resonate to the inside most part of my heel. I massaged it some and i think i have taken care of the trigger points. In fact recently when I have messaged it and my calf, it seems to hurt more the next day, but I also tried running in place those few days, so it is hard to say what caused the pain to increase the next day.
Most things say that it is because of overpronation. I did recently switch out of orthotics, but have been in barefoot shoes walking and such for 3 months.
Thanks for al the help
Ben says
I should also mention how the pain started. It was after a minimalist shoes run and the next day my abductor hallucis, near the heel, was in a lot of pain (this was 5 months ago). As that died down the pain in my heel remained, as did the extreme tenderness in the abductor hallucis, as mentioned above. Today I did find a big trigger point at the top of my arch on the abductor hallucis, but that is new.
Sock Doc says
You’re doing the right thing by finding points like that but if it doesn’t improve more than you should look for a doc or therapist who understands & treats the entire body & definitely not one who thinks overpronation causes problems. Overpronation is a sign accompanying other problems, that’s it. Check out that article here on Sock Doc.
Brenda says
Since October 2011, I have experienced extreme bouts of heel pain. Went to podiatrist, got custom orthotics. Xrays show a rather large heel spur. Diagnosed plantar fasciitis. Since then, I have now had 4 cortisone injections, night splint and an arch wrap to wear. Am currently in terrible pain that goes all around my heel and into the outside of my ankle… Still hurts even when I sit.. Can barely walk…
I do go to a chiropractor for my back. My left hip is lower than my right. The heel pain is also on left heel.. Also MRI shows a lot of lower back issues… Stenosis, do discs, an impinged nerve between l5- s1. DDD and more.
Can that impinged nerve cause heel pain?
I can rub my calf or sit on a harder chair and the burning pain will start in my heel..
Podiatrist says that he has tried everything and surgery will be the next step.,.to reduce fascia.,
I really don’t want to have my foot cut on..
Just in so much pain!
Sock Doc says
Find a doc who looks at the entire body and doesn’t just focus on where your pain is or diagnosing you.
Brenda says
I have now gone to a another podiatrist for a second opinion. His diagnose is medial calcaneal neuritis. He thinks that the heel spur is pressing on the nerve. Therefore he recommends surgery to remove heel spur, release nerve and work on the plantar fasciitis issues…. guessing a release.
I just know that when I walk (getting groceries etc.) for any length of time is extremely difficult. Experience so much pain in my heel. Even when I just put my shoes on and the back part of my shoe touches my ankle and achilles tendon, there is pain. So to compensate, I walk stiffly, cause when my foot follows thru and the heel comes off the ground it hurts even worse.
Just really don’t know what to do. Again, I have had all the conservative treatments.
Any suggestions?
Sock Doc says
Your questions is pretty much the reason I wrote this:
Aside from that the best I can offer you here is to watch the video on Achilles Tendonitis.
John LaGuardia says
My sister complains of PF heal pain. She is overweight and trying to implement a program that will help her lose weight. However, the pain keeps coming back when she gets into an exercise program and she fails. I feel so bad for her and want to help her. I have suggested minimalist shoes in her everyday life, but she thinks it’s a fad. She keeps telling me that she feels better with high heels and that, to her, seems opposite to what I’m trying to tell her. Can you give me an explanation why she would have less pain in high heels than any other shoe when it comes to her PF? I directed her to your website and PF video. I hope she finds some hope there and adopts some of your suggestions. Thanks for your time and response in advance.
Sock Doc says
Raising the heel off the ground shortens the Achilles which will affect the plantar fascia. So if high heel “help” you have to slowly lower the heel (drop).
Brenda says
Which type of doctor would you suggest? I do go to a chiropractor. Has not done anything concerning the heel. Can an impinged nerve between l5-s1 cause heel pain as well?
Thank you
Sock Doc says
The nerve probably not but a low back and foot problem can be related.
Choose a therapist not the therapy. Look around for a doc who treats & understands the whole body; though unfortunately there are not a lot of us out there.
Brenda says
Thank you…. Have been reading about the affects of stress.. I had an adrenal saliva test done and the results showed that the glands cannot keep up with demand. Been caregiver for my parents for past 6 years. Since my mom passed away, my dad has been living with me and my husband. Extremely stressfull!! Very interesting how stress can affect plantar fasciitis.. … from what I inderstand. Had to quit my job to care for them… Just bought custom orthotics and a pair of New Balance shoes with roll bar.. So it will be a long while to get money to make different purchases.
I now wish I could have used it on a trip to NC. I live in Nashville TN..
I will try the exercises…. And not use the shoes and orthotics… Right??
Thanks for listening…
Sock Doc says
Read “Lose Your Shoes” to learn how to get out of that footwear. 🙂
Daniel says
I’m from LondonI had FB in both feet for over 4 months and it was seriously driving me insane as I’m a very active person and being chair bound was absolutely depressing I was doing a lot of running as I was training for toughmudder I’m a gym member and a keen cyclist but took up running to get a little fitter but a week before the event I decided to go for a short run and after about 3 miles my heel and arch started to ache but i carried on running but then i got to painful to carry on so i had to stop and hobble home went to dr and a podiatrist and they told me I had FB, I’d never heard of this before. Tried all the usual stuff like night splints orthotic Anti-inflammatory ice and rolling under the arch and of course stretching with NO avail. Came across your website the other day and did what you said finding trigger points i never realized how painful my calfs actually were till I started to press in to them, the relief was instant and the next morning I stepped out of bed for the first time in months with no pain i was shocked to say the least and I’m glad to say a few days later and I’m walking around barefooted without any pain, I do have to train my feet from. walking on my toes but I can honestly say that I’m probably 80% better and that’s is in a few days the calf still need a bit more attention but feeling positive and ill be out there running again in a couple of weeks hopefully. THANK YOU
Sock Doc says
Maria says
Hi Doc, I’m from Australia. I’m a 58-year-old female. A few days ago I started to experience pain under my left heel, but several days before this I noticed a constant dull aching pain on my left shin bone, which has now decreased somewhat. This is also the leg that wakes me up at night – when I straighten the knee I experience a fair bit of pain. Any chance that these are all connected? From what you say about PF, I have several of the factors which might be the cause for the sudden onset of PF: I am a worrier and some family and health issues have been on my mind. For the past few months I have experienced arthritic pain in my hands (swollen painful joints) and have started taking fish oil. I have put on weight (probably 20 lbs over my ideal weight) and have stopped doing daily exercise (walking mostly). I tend to stay up late and do not get enough sleep. I noticed that with the extra weight, my gait appears to be different, and I sometimes get painful hips/lower back. I am trying to lose the weight and do more exercise. I have started walking just in socks around the house. I tried to find pressure points as you showed but I don’t seem to have any pain anywhere else but on my left shin and PF. Any advice?
Sock Doc says
Sure those could definitely be related. You need to clean up the diet and get back into aerobic exercise to lower your weight and reduce inflammation; you already know this though. 🙂
Scott Emhoff says
So the things you are saying to do in this video are the ways you would treat Tarsel Tunnel Syndrome. Is my statement correct?
Sock Doc says
Well they are how I would recommend you start. In my office I do a lot more than just what is shown in the video.
Katie says
I just watched your video. I had endoscopic surgery for my PF and now have a lump of chronic inflammation in my arch. Do you think the tips in your video would help me or not since I have had surgery?
Sock Doc says
Sure, either way they won’t hurt.
Jennifer says
Dear Sock Doc
I am so very glad I came across your website. I was about to go out and buy some different running shoes, having temporarily forgotten my belief that God gave us flexible bits for a reason and instead fallen for the theory that I am overpronating and needed “supportive” shoes to counteract this. Ten years ago I was told I had intermetatarsal neuromas, and come back when the pain/numbness/tingling became unbearable. So five years ago I got some insoles to rotate my feet back into a “neutral” position, which helped, though I also got some handmade to measure shoes (I have hobbit feet). I do go barefoot a fair bit though. I’ve recently started running with a friend in my fairly basic everyday Karrimor trainers and have a little occasional pain in between my arch and heel. So there I was about to spend another £80 on “proper” shoes, and instead I have watched lots of your videos and read your articles and am going to try working with nature a bit more!
Many thanks
Perry Rose says
Doc, if you have the time, I have some questions for ya.
My apologies if I missed it if you or one of your other readers addressed this already.
I’m shocked that so many podiatrists do not advise wearing flat shoes that can also bend with the foot.
They always say “feet needs stability,” especially for flat feet.
Maybe there are exceptions–I don’t know…
1) Aren’t they taught in med school that the ligaments and tendons need to strengthen?
I have read from reliable sources that walking and running barefoot actually gets rid of flat feet.
It’s pretty amazing that arches can actually be “built”!
This makes sense, because, again, the feet are being strengthened.
Why don’t podiatrists get this???? They study the foot in med school, for crying out loud.
2) Once a person gets plantar, shouldn’t he or she wear a firm support (insole) that stabilizes that part of the foot so it can heal? (Plus, staying off the foot as much as possible.)
I have it, and I wear those $5 “Aqua Socks.” Screw spending up to and over $80 for those other shoes, like the Five Fingers.
I’m hoping that walking almost barefoot outside for exercise, in addition to foot exercises will get rid of it.
3) Should the elderly–the ones in their 60′ on up–just keep on wearing shoes?
I’m thinking that their feet may now be too old to walk outside for exercise in flat, flexible shoes.
4) I have a relative who has osteoarthritis in her ankles. Shouldn’t she stick with the right kind of shoes?
Thanks, doc! 🙂
Sock Doc says
This one’s a bit too long and in-depth to comment fully. But the answers can mostly be found here:
Brittany says
I am an orthotist straight out of school, and I do believe orthotics are over prescribed. Like you say, there are some people who really need it, but most of them really don’t.
My question for you pertains to plantar fasciitis due to over-work injury. I see tons and tons of military guys and gals who are forced to run with heavy loads of gear for years. Many of them end up with foot pain and plantar fasciitis.
I find it hard to help them, because the rules in the military are so strict. They must wear certain types of shoes and they must complete the workout – even if they are in pain. The boots they wear are terrible. They are not flexible and they tend to be tight around the forefoot. Many will buy the shoes a size too big to try and get more room across the metatarsal heads.
What should I suggest these poor souls do about their foot pain? I tell them to use the tennis ball under the foot and to do calf stretches (which is not something you agree with). I see many of these cases a week, and it would be great if you have any insight on the matter.
Sock Doc says
Hi Brittany, yeah that’s a good observation and it’s tough to manage these men/women. I’ve seen the same thing with the military people I treat. Ideally you get them out of those boots as much as they can when they don’t need to be in them. Barefoot and in minimalist type shoes as much as they can handle and doing some of the foot strength exercises I show in the video:
Rather than stretching I’d have them working deep trigger points in the calves and tib posterior. And regarding the boots best you can do there is make sure they at least don’t get them too small – a lot of them want them very snug so getting them a larger size can sometimes help a lot.
Dan says
Hi all;
Have the PF from running to hard and too much. I’m trying to do a marathon and am now getting treatment for it. Also, I have a small heel spur too. I noticed the Dr. stated wearing minimalist shoes as much as possible. Would Vibram Five Fingers be good? Thanks. Any advice is whole-heartedly welcome!
Sock Doc says
It’s not whether VFFs are “good”, it’s if they work for you. If you’re injured then you probably shouldn’t be going to such type of footwear now, especially if you are currently wearing a traditional shoe. Read this, especially the latter half where I discuss transitioning into proper footwear.
Dan Battaglia says
Thanks Dr for your reply! I found that my feet feel great whenever I wear them. They just feel more comfortable when I wear them versus other shoes so I wear them as much as I can. The plantar fascitis has subsided but i feel a little pain in the ankle area which sort of travels up my shin…think it might be a shin splint?
Sock Doc says
Could be, but it doesn’t matter. Remember the philosophy here is to figure out WHY you have a problem, not necessarily WHAT you have.
Dan says
Right you are again!
I started training for marathons but I think I was trying to add mileage too quick. I then started to feel a pain pain in my right foot along the ankle and the bottom. When I went to the Dr. I was informed i had PF and a small heel spur. He gave me a cortisone shot, a list of stretches and told me to massage the bottom heel area over a frozen bottle of water. My heel and bottom of the foot feel way better but I still have some pain i think to be indicative of a possible shin splint. Did notice some slite swelling around the top area of the ankle but other than that the PF and heel spur pain is nearly gone and ancient history. But the ankle pain sometimes feels like somebody’s shoving a knife along my ankle upwards but then goes away so I must be walking wrong. What do you think and advice? Can’t tell you how much it means to me to see your re posts Dr. Thanks again and am hoping my running days are not over. That’s what I fear the most.
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Aruna Raghavan says
Hello Dr,
I read all the interesting responses and the approach that you provide on handling weakness in any part of the body. My experience: I developed Plantar fascitis during pregnancy, was never aware that this was a “condition”. Since prior to getting pregnant I was a dancer and was training a little hard for my first solo stage performance, I developed tendonitis on the top of my right foot. That healed, took about 3 months though. But by the time it healed I was 3 months pregnant, and thought i was done with the pain for life, was wanting to dance after my delivery. After about 3 months of pregnancy there was severe heel pain on both feet, pain on the sides of the legs and got worsened day by day. Even this, i thought it was attributed to weight gain, i gained only 17 pounds, but i assumed my legs were weak on account of the previous injury due to dancing, and hoped that after delivery i would be 100% normal. After delivery, the pain came back in full swing, even worse. Obviously i was not sleeping well, handling stress with the newborn, and a 4 yr old. My legs were burning crazy and my physician did all ultrasound tests, but could not find anything abnormal. The burning and pain slowly started to fade away after 6 months, but the heel pain continued. It is there even now, today as i write this post. My toddler is a year and a half now, and i cant help but constantly run around him in the house, repeatedly putting my feet under stress. I have been stretching and icing, since i was nursing i refrained from taking any kind of anti inflammatory medication. I do notice that under mental stress even if I am not physically too active, the pain comes roaring back. I used to wear good support shoes, as my podiatrist suggested. But that made icing on need very inconvenient and now I am on CROCS flip flops. I completely agree with your view that going barefoot will strengthen your feet, but I am worried that it will develop more tears ont he plantar fascia and cause irritation. I have minimal morning pain now, but used to be worse.
Your suggestions for improving my condition highly appreciated!
Sock Doc says
Something like this really needs to be addressed by a good doc as a mention at the end of this article: as there are most like nutritional factors associated with your pain/weakness.
Aruna Raghavan says
Hello Dr,
Thanks for your response. To take care of the nutriontal needs, i have increased my intake of protein, vegetables etc. We are vegetarians (dont consume eggs, not vegans because we have milk, honey). Lately i have been going barefoot, and my feet burn a lot. The pain seems to be the same, no improvement/worsening, but the burning seems to worsen day by day.
I dont stretch…. but i ice sometimes.
I tried searching your site for “burning feet” syndrome, but could not find any articles. I dont know if
walking barefeet is causing this, but they burn even if i wear supportive footwear.
Do you happen to know anybody from Phoenix, Arizona that shares the same approach as you?
Your response highly appreciated.
Your re
Sock Doc says
Sorry, I don’t know anyone there.
Perry Rose says
Hey doc.
Sorry for the length of that last post.
Have you thought about charging per issue?
I know you’d have me for a customer.
I’m an alternative-health copywriter, so I’d be picking your brain now and then just for research.
Well, anyway–my plantar fasciitis seems to be fading away after a couple of weeks of doing those exercises in your video.
I work behind a desk, so I am now making sure to stand more while working.
At first I thought I also had inflammation, but luckily I don’t.
Hell, for awhile there, I thought about having a blood test done to see.
The tissue could be fine but just suffering from inflammation!
I have one question for ya, though–I would have thought that with such an injury–whether the tissue is torn or pulled–it would be common sense to stay off the foot and/or wear the traditional supportive shoes until it heals. But it seems doing the opposite is the answer.
Why is that???
It just doesn’t make sense–I don’t get it…
Thanks so much!
Sock Doc says
Blood tests often won’t pick up inflammation. Has to be more systemic.
Yes, it is the “opposite” as you say unless there is actually a full tear, which is rare. You want movement and motion in the area as much as possible. I discuss this in the Sock Doc Injury First Aid Series.
Kinda hard to charge for things. I don’t want people to interpret it as billing for medical advice. But if you want to to donate to the running of this site which costs me several hundred $$ per month, feel free to send that to my paypal and it will be put towards lowering my monthly loss! ( Thanks! 🙂
Karen Killgore says
Thank you so much for your video posting concerning treatment of plantar fascitis. I have been struggling to alleviate pain and have failed to address the cause. I am an occupational therapist and am familiar with trigger point massage. I have had considerable pain in one heel for about 7 months. I previously had PF about 2 years ago. I have tried just about everything and recently KT taping but to no avail no relief. I saw your video 2 days ago and have been addressing trigger points along tibialis anterior and have been able to tolerate walking barefoot for the first time in months. Praying this healing process continues. Will definitely recommend this site.
Sock Doc says
Nick Fields says
Hello Dr. Gangemi.
Another poster asked this, but I am hoping you can expand on this.
I read the Injury First Aid series and other articles, but it doesn’t really address it.
What if there is a slight tear in the heel area, where my pain is, or it could be a really bad “pull”?
(Or, it could be just inflammation that will not go away. In that case, no amount of exercising will help.)
I know it cannot be seen in an X-ray, so why don’t you recommend to stay off the foot as much as possible, and wear supports until that, possible, injury heals and it stops hurting, and THEN do the exercises and walk around barefoot more?
I am afraid to do any kind of exercising in case there is a tear, no matter how slight, or a more serious pull.
Also, if I may ask just two more questions?
Sorry, but your office is too far away to come see you.
1. If stretching doesn’t work, and it can be counter productive, why do I read so many “I cured my PF by stretching”?
2. I read your article on orthotics and supports–what if a person is on their feet all day, like a cook, and they need the support?
I have a buddy who is a chef, and he is on his feet more than 10 hours a day.
Although our feet are designed to do its thing, but when it is too much…. And if they have flat feet???
Thanks, I really appreciate what you are doing here.
You’re like a breath of fresh air!
Sock Doc says
The only way you’d really know if there was a tear is to have a MRI done. If you feel like you need medical treatment you should always seek that.
I personally don’t think people have “cured” their PF with stretching. What they have done is bought time.
I stand sometimes 8-9 hours a day treating patients, in bare feet. There is only a thin carpet below my feet. All hard surfaces do is reveal your weaknesses sooner than something with more cushion.
Read this for info on Flat Feet:
Sharon T says
I have a heel spur that is pressing into the achilles tendon, any exercises I should try?
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Arley cole says
Last update! After about four weeks of treating my plantar fasciitis issues with the trigger points suggested, this morning I woke up for the first time without ANY stiffness or heel pain! I had been 90% better for about two weeks but this morning the issue seems just completely GONE! I am blown away by how fast it responded, but never expected it to just leave this way. I thought for sure I’d have residual pain for at least another couple of months. Thanks once more, doc!!!!
Sock Doc says
Awesome story – going in the SD Success Sidebar; thanks for the update!
Roland Laliberte says
I am experiencing mild to moderate discomfort to the medial heel bone some 1″ to 2″ from the bottom of both heels. I recently increased my weekly mileage from 35-40 m/wk to 50-60 m/wk. The “pain” began shortly after making this change, some 3 weeks ago. I run mostly in Newtons and some barefoot. I train at 180-42 y.o.a.=~140 bpm heart rate. Can’t decide whether I’m suffering from PF or AT. You say it matters less what it is then why, but I’d like to know given the different causes for each. In the mean time I’m using TP to treat. Which injury do you suspect given the location of pain? Can I continue to run through this healing period? If I can, by how much should I reduce my training mileage (currently ~50 m/wk)/time (1hr20min/day)? Thank you for your anticipated response.
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Angela says
Dear Doctor,
I have had pf in both feet. I’ve also had baker’s cysts behind both knees. The cyst in my right knee has been gone for a while as well as the pain in that foot.
But, I’m still dealing with the pain in left foot – pf; and I have a cyst behind the left knee. I’ve always assumed they have worked together to create a bigger problem but I can’t seem to find a podiatrist or an orthopedic doc to work on both issues together. They just seem to treat the symptoms of both separately.
Can you recommend anything to do that will help ease and maybe eliminate pain for this kind of scenario? (I also have really tight calves and if I don’t stretch I feel like it gets worse…).
I live in a very barefoot culture and I LOVE to be barefoot, but it seems to aggravate things for my left foot/knee.
With thanks,
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Brenda says
You responded to an email I sent earlier concerning long term heel pain.. Went to another dr. He said gastrocnemius tightness would affect the plantar fascia, achilles and around I outside and inside ankle areas.. Since I have had the typical conventional treatments, a haglund bump developing and xrays show a flattening of my left arch, he says to do a gastrocnemius recession. This would release and lengthen ..(my left leg is shorter) He is an Ortho dr. specializing in foot/ankle.. I am just so confused. 🙂 suggestions/thoughts?
Thank you so much
Sock Doc says
No further other than what I have shared on here; would have to see you to know more.
Adam says
I commented a while back about painful tight calves that them led to plantar fasciitis. I’ve had orthotics for 1.5 years and saw some relief…but still had occassional foot and calf pain. I recently saw a chiropractor / nutritonist. He had me take dessicated adrenal for my calves. I’ve had NO problems with my calves since but still nagging foot pain. I’m going to ditch the orthotics and try and strengthen my feet. I’ll let u know how it goes
louisa says
Hi Soc Doc
I have found your website while looking for some help re a recent injury. I ruptured my Achilles on 22/2/13 playing netball. It was a complete oblique that was treated conservatively without surgery. I have been in a cast with progressive angle reduction until I was flat. They took the plaster off yesterday. My calf is wasted and I have a tremendous stabbing pain in my heel when I weight bear in bare feet. I realise I need to go slow and rehab steadily and wondered what advice you could give me. I live in the UK and the NHS are very slow with follow up appointments etc so I have to wait 2 weeks until my first physio appointment
Thanks Louisa
Sock Doc says
Kaye Hewins says
Just watched your video and it goes against everything I’ve been told – but wow it makes sense. I tried feeling for trigger points in my calves, got them straight away, I’ve got heel orthotics, which seemed to have helped a bit, but now is the time to start reducing the use of them.
I had chemo back in 2011, which i think was the start of my problems. Ive tried to keep running, and did a 10k last May, but for the last few months, ive almost given up as i’ve found I’m in agony the next morning. If I don’t do any exercise I feel fine, but that’s no good to me. I walk my dogs twice a day and I also want to run.
Is there any connection to PL and chemo? or have I simply stressed my calves? I do have collapsed arches too.
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Laura says
Hi Doc,
Can you comment on the treatment of neuromas on the balls of the feet? This became a problem for me once I started to increase my running mileage. A podiatrist told me the only solution was surgery. I’m not interested doing that, but will I be stuck with the pain then? I’ve backed way down on my running and have no problems, but then again not running much. Suggestions?
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Humphrey says
My feet are flat and they look as if they both have two ankles so all together four ankles. I got kicked on the bone above my arch (fake ankle) and It took about 6 months for the pain to go away. Then I twisted my ankle when playing soccer and my real ankle did not hurt but only the fake ankle above my arch. Should I go to the doctor so they can check me out or I should wait for six months again? It hurts when I walk after sitting down.
Sock Doc says
Yeah you should have that checked out if you’re unsure of what to do.
Bert Smith says
Wow! watched the video found the trigger points problem gone thanks….
Love your comments on auto immune problems caused by imbalances, have to agree, shame that medical doctors are such sore losers, they give, it is in remission and it will only get worse becuase diet couldn’t possibly be the cause…
Natalie says
I have been fighting PF for over a year now. Wearing the expensive supportive shoes, orthotics and never walking barefoot, stretching, icing and even wearing a night splint and here I am still with pain. I am going to try this and I think it will work!! I just bought a new pair of specially fit Brooks (very comfortable) but started noticing groin & inner thigh pain. I actually strained my inner thigh muscle to the point I was limping and wobbling like an old person and couldn’t bear weight on it after sitting for long periods. I noticed when I wear my Okabashi flip flops I have no trouble but when I put the Brooks back on it starts hurting again. I think there is something to this!
Natalie says
So I just watched this video and pulled up my pant legs to try out the trigger points. I have them all up and down my right leg which is foot I have the pf in. OMG, they hurt so bad from rubbing them, I actually had to stop and will have to keep working on them. The left leg had some but not all that bad (not pf on this side) so I would say there is something to this theory and I will keep working on my trigger points. Its amazing how your body is inter-connected.
I once had extreme shoulder pain, took aleve and iced for weeks, then got a really good massage and we discovered it was caused by tight chest muscles. When she touched my chest, it was very painful and after we worked those trigger points it got better after about a week!
Natalie says
How long do you think it will take to get relief after working out the trigger points? I walked barefoot all last night and honestly, my foot hurt, not excruciating but noticeable. I suppose I need to give it more time, both of my legs were excruciating while working out the kinks and we are not done yet.
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Walter says
I found the site after I started to have PF issues. I like the trigger point video, as it did help with the foot that had PF. It seems almost immediately, the issue went away. I plan to do TP massage in AM, and then again around dinner.
1-Too much, not enough TP massage?
2 – do you see any issues with TP massage, or general deep massage of other foot? I would think what is good for one should be down to the other- balance type thing.
I had ITBS after switching from a supportive to neutral shoe (I chose by price and lightness, never knew about differences in shoe type). That was last year, when I was still new to running. I first went to running store to have gait analyzed, and I was a overpronator. I switched to Ravenna 3, which are chunky but supportive.
I then found out more about active stretching, and have good luck with IT Band with lateral band walks, one legged squats and dead lifts. Focusing on cause (in my case weak medial and Maximus glutes).
But, I still have supportive shoes.
3- I want to move to more minimal approach, but how do you think a runner can switch successfully? Change to minimal, and run smaller distances to work towards longer distance?
Or choose a shoe with less of a drop, and then gradually move to more minimal?
I do not want to spend a ton on new shoes, but I do not want to mess up legs?
How did you shift into minimal running?
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
DW says
Hi. Are you familiar with any conditions that would cause the SOFT TISSUES of the foot to become swollen and the type of inflammation that makes the areas feel like they are on fire? It can be ANY area on the bottom of the foot (both feet). When it occurs it’s like walking on knots and bruises. One Dr diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis but and another said it might not be since there is very little swelling of the plantar fascia but major swelling of the soft tissue.. It does present with a lot of the same symptoms as PF though..
I’m in so much pain from the inflammation I cannot sleep right now which is how I came to find you and your site.
Hoping you can help..
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
DW says
Yeah I already read that before I left the comment or I wouldn’t have left one…
Sock Doc says
Well basically that’s all the help I can give you via on-line.
Richard Couse says
Hi Sock-doc, I kind of feel like I’ve gotten to know you from your podcast appearances on trailrunnernation, and from a health stand-point I hoped I would never need any of your advice! But, I went I got myself a case of plantar fasciitis in my left foot and I’m 3 weeks out from a trail marathon. Being a pig headed runner, I thought I had just dinged my heel on a sharp rock (I run in NB minimus) and I ran on it until I couldn’t run no more. Now after limping for 5 days I am finally walking normal again (except after getting out of bed in the morning) and I just figured out I had PF. After watching your video, I can not find any trigger points anywhere in my leg, the only place there is pain is in my heel. I eat well, I always train in the aerobic zone, and believe my running form is pretty good. However, I am a grad student and have been under an incredible amount of stress over my thesis, can mental stress really be the culprit? Anyhow, I apologize for being so long-winded. I just have a couple of questions : Do you believe Kinesio Tape works? I found a video on how to tape for PF, will it get me out running again quicker? And can a person recover in 3 weeks? Finally, thank you so much for this video and the work you put into this site.
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Ming Jung says
Thank you so much.
Your simple methods are really helping a lot already.
munish kumar says
hey doc
my feet are flexibly flat…. still i don’t have any kind of pain while walking or running. But i want to cure them as it can be the cause of my negligence from physical part of a exam for which i am passionate very much. Also give some tips about how to cure knocked knees. Also tell how much time it will take to cure flat feet. Please doc reply must on my Emaill-ID its very very important to me. please….
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Jan White says
Approximately four years ago, I started slowly with discomfort on the ball of my foot and then it eventually went into my toes. It is uncomfortable to walk any distance and sometimes my feet ache and feel like they are burning. I have been to many podiatrists and the last one was a doctor for our home town professional football team. He said I had plantar fasciitis. I have bought special socks, inserts and have done some of the exercises which seem to make the problem worse. The one exercise he stressed when one pushes their knee forward and stretches the other leg. this has caused pain in my knee where I had a meniscus repair so I immediately stopped it. I prefer to suffer with foot problems rather than have a knee replacement. Tomorrow I am going to another podiatrist here in VT. He helped my husband with another problem and it was corrected in one day. I just don’t feel as though I have PF because there is no discomfort in my heel. I am hoping there is some help for me as we are doing a tour of Europe in September of next year and there will be a lot of walking. I don’t want to spoil it for my husband or myself. Thank you for any advice you can offer. JDW
Sock Doc says
Please read this; thanks!
Nick says
I’ve been dealing with plantar fasciitis for about 10 months now, which started after 4 years of intense running. Podiatrist recommended calve stretches, general strengthening of lower leg and foot muscles, etc. I feel much better when I wear a night splint. However, it is lingering. I haven’t run in over 2 months. I noticed that it will flare up if I don’t wear the night splint, if I ride my bike too hard, walk too much, or do heavy squats. I haven’t exactly rested it, other than not running. The last few days I’ve tried to give it more rest . I’ve biked lightly in lower gear at higher RPM, so less power, and switched to machines when strength training not involving my feet, like leg extensions and glut exercises). It seems to feel a bit better. Is there a light at the end of this tunnel? Am I on the right track? I miss running. Also, the doc prescribed orthotics, which only make my feel feel worse. It feels best walking barefoot.
Sock Doc says
Well as you know from the articles and videos on this site regarding PF and foot pain, I’m against night splints, stretching, and orthotics. Check out that info and maybe take a different approach if you’re not healing up.
Sara says
Hi Sock Dock,
I’ve had foot pain for a year and a half now. Even though I don’t believe I have classic plantar fasciitis symptoms (no pain first thing in the morning or after resting, pain doesn’t go away with weightbearing, but gets worse, no stabby pain just dull), two professionals diagnosed it, while a third seemed to think PF didn’t describe my pain and that I have something else going on.
My pain started after spending 24-30 hours a week standing on a concrete floor, for about 3-4 months. I was quite overweight at the time (about 205 lbs and 5’6″), and am now even more overweight (added another 10 lbs), but I haven’t been able to lose weight as the gain was due to a medication. (I was always 150-160 lbs before the med. I’m now switching to something else, and I hope my metabolism recovers.)
At the time my pain started I was wearing New Balance sneakers that had gotten worn out. I then tried a series of other shoes: mocassins (to try minimalist shoes) that had no support (made my feet REALLY hurt), memory foam shoes (more comfortable), then running shoes with mass produced orthotic insoles. During that time I also had to largely give up standing at work for more than maybe 30 to 60 minutes a day, spread out through the day. I would also do calf stretches like crazy at work. Didn’t help. For about 6 months I saw an athletic therapist, who massaged the soles of my feet and my calves, and recommended golf ball massage, calf stretches, and ice. I did a lot of golf ball massage and calf stretches, some ice, but the area never felt warm or inflamed, so ice didn’t seem appropriate to me after months. 6 months later, I could maybe stand for 30 minutes before it hurt on a good day, whereas before it was 5 minutes. Not much progress.
The AT kept pushing custom orthotics (to treat overpronation I think), so eventually I ordered a pair. But I found that when I wore them they hurt my feet. So I didn’t wear them for months. My feet didn’t improve but didn’t worsen either. Finally, recently, I decided to see a physiotherapist who specializes in foot problems. She thinks maybe my very tight muscles aren’t able to cushion shock enough, so has me doing hamstring and calf stretches in a more active way than before (short holds, no long ones). She also thinks there might be some nerve involvement, since the day I visited her she touched the bottom of my feet and the parts that hurt were on the inside, near the nerves. She told me I should be wearing the orthotics in a very supportive shoe, so I’m wearing a different pair of New Balance sneakers with the custom orthotics in them. I also have Naot sandals I can put the orthotics in. I’m wearing these shoes indoors, like the PT recommends. The AT place also told me I should stop going barefoot around the house, that it hinders recovery. So in the last few days I’ve started taking that more seriously and wearing Dawgs in the house.
Well, none of this has worked. At best I get an hour or two a day on my feet, some portion of that in pain. The orthotics haven’t taken the pain away. In fact, now, when wearing the orthotics I have pain that moves around all over my feet. It’s spread to my the balls of the feet, the inside of my feet, the top of my feet, the sides of my ankles, and my Achilles tendons feel like they’re being horribly overworked. The few steps I take barefoot in the house don’t tend to feel bad at first, but then my heels can feel squished and sore.
I have a mental health condition and some other physical issues that flare and again, I’ve gone through trauma, and I’ve been stressed out and underemployed for years, none of which is helping I’m sure. I’m bummed out because I can’t work in a job that requires much standing or moving anymore, and I liked that kind of work. I used to be more zealous about my diet many years ago but now it’s a struggle just getting from day to day. I don’t eat total crap–no fast food, chips, chocolate bars, soda, or anything like that–and I try to get my vegetables, but I probably don’t put the care into food that I could (too much whole wheat bread products, Bran Flakes every morning, too much canned soup, etc.). And right now I’m just having trouble standing long enough pain-free to do the tasks of daily living. I went swimming a few days ago, and someone accidentally kicked me in the back, and since then I’ve had some coldness in my feet too.
I’m very worried and I don’t know what to do anymore. I want to keep seeing the PT, at least for a few more sessions, hoping she might have something different to offer, but in the past week, my Achilles tendons have started to hurt when I walk. I don’t want to develop Achilles tendonitis on top of everything. OTOH, I’m worried that if I simply ditch the orthotics I’m just going to set myself back. I wish I could just walk around in flimsy shoes and be fine like everyone else, but the moccasin experiment showed that wasn’t possible. I can scrunch towels, so I don’t think my feet are weak. They don’t look inflamed or weird in any way. I just can’t figure out why I’m so debilitated and why the orthotics aren’t delivering the promised relief. Is it my weight? (My AT said she’s been able to fix PF in 300 lb men through massage and orthotics, though. And I see heavy people working on their feet all the time.) Is it constant emotional stress? Do I need to go all whole foods and take a bunch of supplements? Strengthen my leg muscles with exercises? Is it really not plantar fasciitis after all, but something else that needs to be diagnosed?
Assuming immediate weight loss isn’t possible, do you have any thoughts for what I can do to get myself on a better track?
Laura comilla says
I have had foot issues for years. Have had nerve removed (it grew back) and now PF. I wear orthotics n do all the usual podiatrist recommendations n multiple cortisone shots! All only provide temporary relief. I am on my feet 16 hrs a day my calf muscles are rock legs n feet ache constantly n i can hardly walk by the end of my day.I am extremely stressed! And tierrd of being in pain! Help
Dion Williams says
Hi, I developed PF in both feet 5 years ago after running. I do have fallen arches. It took 12 months of wearing orthotics permanently before I could do any weight bearing exercise (never been able to run since). I have worn the orthotics pretty much ever since. After the PF came the shin splints in both legs, then the achillies tendonitis, in both achillies. I came across your site a couple of weeks ago and totally agreed that I don’t think the orthotics ever helped me. I am working on my trigger points and I have started walking at home barefoot in the evening. Then I walked 5 minutes on the treadmill in a pair of Nike Frees, after this I felt my PF symptoms coming back.
I have seen everybody, physios, podiatrists, massage therapists, orthopaedics, x-ray after x-ray and no one can identify what the issue is. I am going around in circles spending money after money and have only got worse.
I am in the UK so I can’t travel to see you, do you think a telephone consultation may help?
In the meantime should I persevere with the barefoot even though I can feel the PF symptoms coming back ? I really don’t want to have to put my orthotics back on as I will be back where I was?
Sock Doc says
I’d be happy to set up a Skype as that could help. Do what you feel is best. You can always go to a minimalist shoe w/o orthotics and see if that helps.
gabriela dibala says
Hi, I ran into ur webpage when looking at kuru shoes that would work for my plantar fascists. I’m on my feet 10-16 hrs a day. I’m in law enforcement which is very demanding and hard on the body. I have fallen at work in the past and have never been right since. I followed exactly as you stated on your video and got instant relief. Now, after reading a few comments on here do u recommend barefoot shoes and would getting a massage on a regular bases be better than getting a weekly adjustment at the chiropractic office? I hv been told by the chiropractor that my left leg is 10cm shorter than my right leg and should wear a heel lift. He sent me to a lady that works with orthotics and she stated my arch on left foot has fallen. Not only is my left leg shorter but hv a fallen arch and foot is now a size 7 instead of 6.5!
Please help
Gr8ceful says
Good Morning, Sock Doc! I found this video because I was thinking about purchasing a pair of KURU shoes. I watched your video on plantar fasciitis. First off, THANK YOU! I spent money on a podiatrist who did not help me with my first. I bought an expensive night splint that only made my foot feel worse. The podiatrist swore up and down that I needed to have that splint. It’s in the closet, collecting dust now. I have been hesitant about seeing another podiatrist because I don’t want to get someone who doesn’t know what he/she is talking about. YOUR video really explained a lot that the podiatrist I went to did NOT explain. Just with practicing finding the “trigger points” you mentioned, I feel some relief in my foot already. I love walking barefoot, but it is very painful. I also cannot stand more than an hour at a time. I got plantar fasciitis standing for hours and and hours for a number of years supervised youth recreational activities and staff. I was wearing flip flops while supervising.
This plantar fasciitis is getting in the way of me doing activities like walking. I’d love to lose weight, but really don’t even know what kind of shoes to wear. I thought the KURU looked good. I read the reviews; seems pretty good on those. But after reading your blog and watching the video, what brand of shoes do you recommend for use in ellipticals/treadmills, or general power walking? I hope you respond. Thanks for reading!
Sock Doc says
Check out this article as well as the Shoe Reviews on this site; thank you!
Kelly Perry says
Hi I had both knees replaced 18 months ago. Now I am having planter fasciitis in both feet. I have struggled many years with it before but it had pretty much gone away. It returned about a year after my tkr. I have been having calf pain ever since the tkr. I do have orthotics that I have started to wear again since the pain started really bothering me. Do you think my Planter Fasciitis has returned because of the tkr stress? I will start to try you suggestions. Thanks for sharing your advice.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Impossible say without seeing you but it’s definitely possible – might have affected your gait.
Nukes says
Hi, finally registered, lot of problems here (in Europe) getting on here. Anyway here goes. Active marathon runner 130 done. Plantar made worse having done 130th two weeks ago. The pain is in the right heel and a tiny bit in the left. Have tried Epsom Salts, stretching and soles. Looking at your video I have NO pain in the calfs and have not tried flat shoes/slippers. For a long time there has been the morning pain which has usually gone by the time I reach the bottom of the stairs, perhaps twenty steps. Also taking cider vinegar with honey. Done some ball rolling in front of the heel but not religiously.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Most likely an adrenal gland issue from all your training & racing. Check out the adrenal gland series:
April says
Very interesting video and suggestions. I was diagnosed with PF about 10 years ago and was seeing a podiatrist, and bought orthotics from him and had a previous pair paid for through my health insurance. I stopped wearing the orthotics since they were getting old and worn out and instead bough a pair of Kuru shoes on sale a year ago. I have to say I do like the way they feel on my feet. However, I’m considering your advice, and will try massaging my calf muscle and arch area and walking barefoot at home.
My feet are pretty flat – no arch. So I thought wearing shoes with arch support was a good idea (instead of the orthotics), and I have 2 pairs of Birkenstocks that are about 10 years old. These are not good either?
Your advice does contradict everything my foot doctor told me 10 years ago, but maybe podiatrists make a lot of $ from plantar fasciitis? 🙂
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
I do not think Birkenstocks are good either. And yes, you will get different advice here than from other places. It’s free – use it as you like. 🙂
Judy says
Hi doc I live in England and last year I had 2 hip replaced both of them 3 months apart iv recently been diagnosed with pf iv tried a month on naproxen with good results but came back iv stretched and done everything I can I don’t want corsitone shots can you help me at all I’m on my feet all day at work I could scream so painful thankyou
Lissette Roman says
I just discovered your website (have no idea how I ended up here) about two hours ago, and I can’t stop reading all the information you have. I wish I’d known about you when I lived in Raleigh, NC. I’m in Louisville, KY now. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge! I’ve got a lot of pain going on in my lower legs, right knee and both feet. I have plantar fasciitis on both feet and now a heel spur in my left foot. My left foot hurts all the time. I haven’t been able to run for about six months now. I used to run marathons and enjoyed running, but unfortunately just walking hurts my feet. I’ve worn custom orthotics for the past 10 years and the pain comes and goes. I’m watching your video and my calves hurt as I press on the trigger points. I will be so grateful to you if this really gets rid of my chronic foot pain.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Keep on working the trigger points and the other therapies I show on this site. Then try to find a good doc or therapist in your area to help you out too.
Nicole says
Thank you for this article/video.
I used to work for a podiatrist. I thought orthotics where the answer to many foot problems. My husband jobs requires that he stands and walks all day, for few days, out of the week. I’m hoping these tips will help him.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Yeah I don’t think it’s anything special. I’ve never had to refer to a dry needle specialist to get a “deeper” trigger point.
Ildah Leija says
Woah! Hi there Sock Doc! I am hearing the complete opposite of what to do here. What you are saying makes complete sense, But why would the opposite advice be given? People are telling me to invest in Kuru shoes, high arch support shoes, and NO BAREFOOT. Please help! Thank you. – Ildah
Pankaj Sharma says
Hello Doctor,
Thank you for the inputs in your video. As you say, what most experts prescribe is opposite of this approach. But your advice seems logical.
My plantar fasciitis did originate about 6-months back from high physical as well as emotional stress in my life. The insides of both my heels pain throughout the day, more as i walk more. The pain is more on one foot than the other, but it tends to get worse as i walk more, even if it is a 100 meters. I have been trying various shoes, like wearing sneakers / sports shoes exclusively for the last 2-months, but without much success. Icing and rating the feet helps temporarily but the pain comes back the moment i start walking.
One odd thing that i noticed about my condition: I used to wear size 10 (UK) shoes earlier. After this condition occurred, all my size 10 shoes have become tight and I am now fitting only in size 11 shoes.
Could you please guide me how to cure this pain /
Thank you,
Pankaj Sharma
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Check out the 4-part adrenal gland series on this site.
zameer says
I was having throbbing pain for nearly 2 months and tried a lot of things.
I took Sock Doc advise and went for a vivo (gobi).
There was immediate relief and the pain disappeared within two weeks.
It returns only when i wear a padded shoe for a long time.
Cheryl says
This is my first time visiting the sock doc. I have to say I completely trust and appreciate the “alternative” approach to chiropractic as well as other modalities. Those who put their trust solely in “traditional” doctors are missing out….in my experience, it is the alternative practitioners that are willing to think logically to solve the nature of the problem instead of mask the cause. Thank you for that. Ok, off soap box now. I have been suffering on and off with PF for 3 years. It seems to happen when I start a cross training regemin over the traditional walking/yoga I’ve typically gravitated towards. I’m wondering why wearing the same shoes I have no problem walking with to do minor weight lifting/cross training is causing the PF to flare? I tried your massage and foot excercizes and felt relief almost immediately. I’m wondering if you have other recommendations as to what I can do to strengthen/massage other than those mentioned? Many thanks for your knowledge and common sense approach!
Jen N. says
I’ve been suffering mightily from this dreaded condition (PF) and am willing to try whatever it takes, especially since your advice is different from what I’ve heard (although similar to what another Chiro/PT told me). I certainly hope it works and thank you in advance!
Paul Boyd says
Hi I wonder if you can give me advise on my current foot condition , I hav haglunds deformity which is very painful & have problems with shoes also , I need to look forvshoes wi th a cushion heel , & also I need to wear a gel sock to protect my heel bone from rubbing on shoes, I wear Orthosole insoles all the time , is there any food supplements that will help my plantar fasciitis , I cannot take ibrofen tablets any more as they damaged my stomach taken them all the time for foot pain , hope you can help me on this thanks .
Krista Hansen says
Can’t wait to try this! Like others said, this goes against everything my PT told me to do….but nothing is helping, and it’s only getting worse. Should I continue to wrap my foot during the day and using a night splint while sleeping? I’m guessing you’ll say no, but just wanted to check!
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
You would guess correctly. 🙂
Mhr says
Hi- I am interested in your advice because I also feel it seems counter-intuitive to “train” your gait using orthotics when you have been naturally walking/running with your own gait for your entire life. I had a calcaneal stress fracture from trail running which led to PF and I have resisted getting a cortisone shot. The custom orthotics I got are horrible and are making other parts of my foot (and my healthy foot!) hurt now. I haven’t run in months due to heel pain ?
2 questions: I have travertine marble floors! That isn’t hurting me to walk barefoot? Should I try a Nike Free or something? Also what is your recommendation for healing a stress fracture like mine? Also strengthening?
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
You body should be strong enough to walk/stand on any surface. Check out the post on stress fractures on this site too.
HS says
Hi there Doc, I have really bad plantar fasciitis in my right heel, and notice tenderness behind my left knee/calf area. Anyways, I cannot even walk on a trail (for exercise like I used to, due to the pain). I also now just got a job where I will be standing for over 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and will be in so much pain. I was initially looking for a very cushy supportive shoe/sneaker with a drop from the heel to toe (as I had read on other sites to find a shoe like that), but now after seeing your video am thoroughly confused as to what shoe/sneaker I need to function on the job. If you could give some recommendations I could look at maybe on amazon that would be helpful. I need a black shoe/sneaker for women with a non-slip sole/slip-resistant. If you could let me know any ideas I would be forever gratetful. Thank you!
Rose says
I’m in my 60s and suddenly I have unbearable foot pain, right foot heel and ball of foot. Also left foot, with no heal pain. I have the morning pain, but the longer I’m on my feet the worse it gets! I cook so I work 5 to 6 hrs a day! I was going to order kubu shoes, thinking they would help, but after reading your advice I’m torn. I am over weight, and not a runner, so is this just age related and I’m doomed? I do have osteoarthritis in hands, back and knee’s, could the arthritis now be in my feet? I’m not diabetic, and need to lose 30 lbs. I go bare foot a lot , gee sh, guess I should tell my doctor huh?
Kathi says
I have been having heel pain, getting out of bed. After watching this video, I scrunched my toes to try to pick up a towel and Oh My, I could barely do it, and now my calf is sore! I will do this excersize often, as now I know what is causing my pain. Thanks so much!
Donna Moon says
Wow. I just started having Plantar Fasciitis. I messaged around the tibia area just as you said. I followed your other exercises that you mentioned. Before bed, I wrapped my foot up in a bandage. I woke up with no heel pain at all. This was after doing stretches and foot rolling that a PT told me to do. What you explained made sense. It was rolling my heel and stretching my calves which was making it worse. I guess it’s like rubbing a bruise. I bought cushy foam sandles which is helping me. Your advice may not work for everyone, but it worked for me. Thank you, you saved me time and money.
Asna Chaudhry says
I’m a long time follower of your valuable information. You brought me back from being in a wheel chair to walking. So I am a barefoot walker and was doing great for a couple of years but I did something to reinjure myself. It was probably a combo of bad die, adrenal fatigue aND working out too much. However I have had issues with arch flattening after having children and my navicular bone sticks out.
My question to you is how cam I tell if I have plantar fasciitis or posterior tibialis tendonitis? I have achy feet in the morning but not really heel pain. My pain is burning pain in arch. ..feels like tendon is too tight and in the morning I get the ripping sensation. I used to have heel pain more before but that is not the problem now.
I can’t walk more than 5 minutes, and standing is worse. I am doing trigger point massage and also seeing massage therapist.
I can stand on ball of foot and raise up with no pain. When I touch the inner ankle going up it is tender but not always. I just want to know how to distinguish between plantar fasciitis and pttd.
I would love to come see you if I could, and even thought of flying down, but it is hard with four young kids. I am also all the way in Toronto Ontario. If you know anyone you could direct me to that would be great.
Thanks for your time!
Asna Chaudhry
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
It really doesn’t matter which one you have as either one is from the tibial posterior muscle. There is a strong connection of this muscle to adrenal gland issues, as you have read on this site.
Eric Delgado says
So my PF started just after I started wearing shoes with more of a sole because they wore out so fast. I’m on my feet all day and needed something that would last more than 2 months. I went from wearing a Nike Free type shoe to more of a thicker cushion. Should I go back to the Nike free type of shoe?
Thank you for your help and time.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Sure, I think you’re answering your own question. Listen to your body! When you feet are strong, more is not better!
Jon Racanelli says
I just wanted to thank you Sock Doc.
I massaged the muscles behind the shin where you said they were tender the night I watched this video.
I had no idea that those muscles could have been linked to the pain in my left foots arch. The following morning unbelievably the pain is near zero. I’m going to follow your other steps to prevent it from coming back!!! Unfortunately i must wear steel toed boots 10-14 hrs a day 5 days a week, but i will be barefoot otherwise.
I’ve had the arch pain for about 4 months now and had no idea a few simple steps later the pain could have been GONE! All I can say now is I wish I lived nearby you’re office to get some adjustments and additional advice, but I’ll be on your site seeking advice for future issues!
Amy Miller says
This is a great thread, thank you! I’m going to try this out. Would massage therapy help for PT?
Sharon Vernon says
I have a high arch, About 5 years I started having plantar fasciitis in one foot, got a couple shots did the exercises, it went away, it later came back in both my feet, I could hardly walk, I got foot insoles from the foot doctor, they made a cast of my feet to make them, they helped me get better but 6 months later then my hips and knees started hurting really bad, I was told I had bursitis. I stopped wearing the insoles, I went to a chiropractor and he gave me the foot Levelers. They helped for 6 months I have one knee hurting now and was told I have a bakers cyst. I can not walk with out the foot Levelers now, my feet cramp really when I take my shoes off, my knee swells and hurts and it feels like something pulling on the outside off my leg. I am so tired I don’t know what to do anymore.
Karen says
This does go against medical advice I have been given in the past. However I am willing to be open minded and try this approach. My question is, what about knee pain and over and under pronation ,etc? i understand how properly exercised muscles will help keep things in line… but that is kind of assuming everything is in proper alignment to start with. Right?
Cheryl Mullender says
I have plantar faciitis in my left foot, I’ve had it for 5 months. I’ve been to my GP and also a Podiatrist. Both have given me the opposite advice to your advice. They told me my pf was caused by wearing very flat flip flops, sandals and shoes throughout the summer that have no arch or heel support and have told me to increase the stretching exercises and to wear footwear with some support not completely flat. They told me to never go barefoot!
Anthony says
Dear Dr., Many thanks for the video and taking a different view of this problem. I self diagnosed I have plantar fasciitis and was about to order the Kuru shoes till I came across your web site. After just one examination and massage of my calf. My eyes lit up in pain from the hot spots. This was the first time in months I was able to get up from my chair without having to drag my leg around for about 10 seconds before I could apply pressure to my heel. I hope continued massages and toe exercises will cure this problem. God bless you. Anthony
Julie says
Hi, Sock Doc, I’m definitely willing to try anything. I have Plantar Fasciitis AND Morton’s Neuroma in the same foot (right). I broke my left femur, started to limp and the result was, right foot – Plantar, increased pain with neuroma, and an inflamed outside of that foot so much that my GP took an x-ray to rule out fractures. What would your advice be for me? I’m all ears! Thanks!
Richard says
This advice is totally the opposite from 5 different specialist I have seen in my 8 month visit to planter fasciitis hell.And is the ONLY advice that help relieve the pain. The trigger points seem to be what helped me the most, and I stopped that stretching,never helped anyway. Thanks
Michael says
Hey sock doc, i hace had plantar fascia 3 years now and its got worse that i cant even work because im a construction worker so work 8 hours hard all day,htried everything there is even tried custim orthotics and yes they made my feet worse,but 4 weeks now training to walk bare foot it’s doesn’t hurt,but when i help my friend painting for 4 hours i was in pain all night and even the next day,my foot is pronation because my arch is veey flat,do i just keep working threw the pain and keep walking barefoot at home,how long does it take it get my arch back and planter fascia to calm down so i can work, thanks for your help
John says
Hey sock doc,if i wear orthotics for 2 years and they have got worse,2 weeks now i have been walking barefoot as much as i can but still cant work my plantar fascia gets so painfull when on uneven surfaces,how long will it take to get my arch and ankle strong,should i barefoot jog to speed things up because i need to work soon i dont get paid for been off,weeks our months to be strong enough to work?
Stephanie says
I’m dying to try this, but when I looked for the leg bones, I guess my calves are a little chubby and I wasn’t sure I was doing it in the right place! Any tips if you can’t feel the bones? (I’m not THAT big – 160 lbs, 5ft 6 inches – but my calves are a bit porky).
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Check out some of the videos where I show different angles to get in there.
Christine says
Do you recommend electrical stimulation for removing the trigger points?
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Some practitioners do but it is not a therapy I use.
Brenda Rhodes says
My flat feet caused extensor tendonitis in my feet very painful. My pain was not relieved until I purchased a pair of orthotics. Now I can jog again
john k says
I can’t find anything that explains my recent issue. I just started getting this tearing sensation at the bottom/back of my left heel. There’s no pain and it’s not at the back of the heel, but the rear bottom of the heel. Is this a PF or Achilles issue? I get the feeling PF, but any help would be appreciated and thanks for the vids.
Carolyn says
Hi. I’ve got quite an extensive problem with one of my feet. Fallen arch, posterior tibialis partial tear, and something wrong with the talus bone, which I don’t fully understand. Lot’s of pain in arch and at ankle. Having physical therapy now, and at least I can walk. I have a new script for orthotics, and frankly cannot function without arch support. Is there any advice you can offer someone with such a messed up foot? My current orthotics are not high enough under the arch, and I add gel arch supports. Thanks for any advice you can offer!
Vanessa says
Thank you Soc Doc, in advance.
I have had PS for 5 months now and it’s awful. I am starting to go to get a massage on my calves, feet, etc. once a week and go to a place that stretches my ham strings (Stretch Lab). When I am home I walk barefoot but have concrete floors and find my heel really starts to hurt. I also have been wearing my high tops with the Dr. Scholl’s PS inserts with the soft heel. I massage my feet and ice my heel here and there. Honestly I am losing my mind, it is so damn painful. I also take epsom salt baths. Do you have a photo of a kind of shoe you recommend wearing in the day (or a link to a website) and some sort of simple sandal? This pain is really unbearable. Thank you!!!
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Please see the shoe reviews on this site, thanks!
Cathie says
Sock Doc-I’ve had PF for about 3 mos. and follow the Doc’s advice with orthotics, ice, no running, shoes all the time.I’ve rowed, biked, swum, etc. instead. It has lessoned the pain, but as soon as I try to run a little it brings the pain right back.
According to your video I should find the trigger points, massage, and go barefoot all day.
I am willing, but worry that the pain will lead me to walk in such a way (trying to avoid the pain) and bring on another problem. So, do I go cold turkey and just endure the pain?
I am also concerned that too many foot exercises just aggravates it more – is that possible If I am picking things up with my feet, etc.?
What types of weight machines, if any, are appropriate? I’ve been doing the leg ones and calf ones hoping that it will strengthen the muscles that are weak.
Dan says
Thanks for the video. When you say don’t “Stretch” do you mean don’t stretch the Plantar muscle? Is it okay to still stretch the Soleus and Achilles?
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Typically no…see the stretching series on this site for more on that topic!
Suzanne Vg, LMT, MMP, CMLDT - says
WoW! Thank you Sock-Doc! That was an excellent instructional video and I WILL follow your advice. I have been to the Physical Therapist who pushed and pressed the Bone Spur on my heel as I tried to push his hands OFF my heel. Never again….it didn’t help. I listened to Podiatrist tell me that orthodics, cortizone injections, surgery would help but the bone spur would no doubt come back. I too stretched, applied heat, soaked my foot in Epson Salts, use ultrasound therapy and applied cross friction massage and used the nubbed golf ball therapy (very painful) ALL TO NO AVAIL AND MY CONDITION ONLY WORSENED.
I am on a Keto lifestyle eating plan with intermittent fasting (helps reduce inflammation and yes drop lbs), wearing low-rise shoes with Correct Toes spacers and love them. SO YOUR ADVICE IS THE BEST. MASSAGE THE TIBIA AREA AND CALF. AND FOLLOW THE REST OF YOUR ADVICE! (nice comment to the one guest too)
Ruth Janzen says
I haven’t been to see a doctor, but rather self-diagnosed my PF by researching it on the internet; easily done, when the symptoms are so basic and consistent. However, I find that I am so torn between the two views I’ve found. I really want to go with Sock doc, since it makes so much sense to me. Yet, I feel that perhaps all the barefoot and flat footwear I’ve been doing have been the cause of the PF in the first place. Could this be true?
I have a wide foot, and shoes have always hurt and made me walk unnaturally because my toes are pinched and uncomfortable (now, as I write that, I wonder if that could be the cause of the PF). Other than wearing shoes when absolutely necessary, I have always been either barefoot or in flip flops. So…
I’m considering going barefoot again, massaging instead of stretching, adjusting my diet to less sugar and more nutrient-rich foods, and only wearing my kurus for my job (6-8 hrs/week, as a custodian). The pain has become almost debilitating, and I MUST figure this out soon. I really would rather heal this issue than simply support it.
I’d appreciate hearing other opinions on this.
John Q. says
Discomfort for the better part of 9 months. Ditto on the opposite of the paid doc. I’ve had 3 shots, and my heel laughed at the 1st, better on the 2nd for a day or two, and the 3rd for a Day and a half. Pain is worse. What’s to lose. My wife treats with a “Dolphin”, actually 2 at the same time, this helps. It’s an alternative to actupuncture but no needles. More like a buzzing engraver (doesn’t buzz). It treats deep down. I agree stretching makes it worse and 400.00 no different than over the counter $50 variety doesn’t do hardly. Will check back in a month
Sharon says
What can someone who is overweight and has to be on their feet for 9 hours everydsy do? I know i know “lose weight.” But i need help right now. Its so painful to be on my feet but i have no choice. I walk barefoot as much ad possible but the pain is so bad i can barely hobble around. I cant exercise for the pain. The only relief i get is from believe it or not Crocs shoes. And even then its still bad. I cant get anywhere near the muscles you show to rub because my calves are so big. Im ready to give up whatever that means. Ive had injections orthotics night splint and roll my foot on a massage roller. I just need a shoe that will let me function. Any help for me or am i hopeless?
Hinda says
I’ve had planter fasciitis for about 3-5 years off and on and it’s getting really bad I’ve had the orthodics and night solo ta told to stretch with no relief even bought a lot of shoes I’m willing to try your method it’s been quite a bunch of years do you still hold by this method I’m desperate
Maria says
Thanks for that video on PF. It does conflict with conventional treatment but makes sense and I’m willing to give it a try. Can you tell me what is your opinion about using a foot /ankle compression sleeve?
Thank you,
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
I think the compression sleeves are fine for initial problems – compression helps heal injuries. Check out the updated PF video too.
Tessa says
I made the switch to barefoot 3 years ago, minimalist shoes and everything, without cheating at all, and slowly cured my neuroma and other foot pain. But this past summer after going truly barefoot for a month or so at home most of the time I developed PF. To say I was dismayed and surprised was an understatement. I thought I was doing everything right? 4 months later the pain is still going strong all day long. Why would this have happened when following the barefoot protocol? I do work on my trigger points and they just keep coming back. I am beside myself seeking relief.
Jane says
I have been a big barefoot-goer forever and I still got pf–in both feet, although worse in the left. This started when I was going through chemo, so I do have mild neuropathy in both feet as well which is essentially numbness on the inside of the ball of my foot (surface is not numb). pf pain is all over the arch and a bit near the heel on one side, but not at the typical connection point in the heel. I can go barefoot outside, and it feels great, but no way on the hardwood floors. Ouch. I’ve been massaging, etc. I wear Altras and Birkenstocks, mostly. I can’t seem to make a big dent in the pain. I am probably not working out enough now, but when I got pf during treatment I was walking 3 miles a day. I do have a sore spot low and inside on my worst side, but massaging that isn’t changing anything. Are there specific exercises to strengthen that muscle? Just walking/running barefoot in my back yard? I supinate, by the way. Podiatrist-recommended shoes hurt (Hokas, etc.). Rolling slowly and deeply with a raquetball and then icing helps chill out at the end of the day but doesn’t eliminate it. Help!
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
Since the PF started during your chemo it is most likely due to the affects of your immune system on the fascia (or plantar muscles). So it’s a bit more complicated & involved than what is addressed in the videos. Most likely strengthening your immune system will provide some, hopefully significant, results to your foot pain.
Carol Luebeck says
I have been suffering with PF in both feet for 20 years, sometimes more acutely than other times.
I was told the cause was too much walking with high arches and little support in my shoes.
I followed the advice of the first podiatrist- wore custom orthotics, and went over a year with riding stationary bike instead of walking, which only led to my having osteoporosis ( from lack of weight-bearing exercise at the age I needed more). It did not help my feet. I’ve worn several types of orthotics, both custom-made and others that seem to help a little. The pain is worse without orthotics. I’ve been to different physical therapists, podiatrists, chiropractors, tried shock wave therapy, night splints, etc. etc. etc.
I’ve determined that it’s going to be a chronic pain issue for the rest of my life, and I’m only 61. Other than my feet, I’m in great physical health and like to be active. I enjoy walking/snowshoeing. I’m currently able to walk up to 3 miles sometimes, but have to rest for quite a while before doing anything else on my feet, so I’m having to plan my daily life around how my feet feel. It sucks, but I know other people have bigger problems than this. I’m wondering if I try your recommendations, how long before I would expect to see results, since I’ve had the problem for so many years?? I am an RN, so your explanation makes sense to me, just wondering if perhaps it’s too late, or if it would take another 20 years to resolve?
Dr. Stephen Gangemi "Sock Doc" says
I don’t think it’s ever “too late.” I don’t think you have much to lose – the suggestions on this site will not hurt you (unless you do them incorrectly, and that’s difficult to do). It’s hard to say how long until you see results, but typically only a week or two if it’s going to help.
Joan P says
I started getting plantar fasciitis in my left foot after walking with a friend, two miles in the morning. But before that I would get charlie horse muscle spasm calf cramps if I stretched my leg at night. Sometimes they were so severe my calf would be sore for a day. I wondered if that may have added to the PF. Rubbing magnesium oil or taking some magnesium internal seemed to help a little