For those patients unable to see me in my office I offer my services as a sports injury consultant – providing natural solutions for the prevention and treatment of injuries, various health problems, and sports performance.
Prior to starting the SockDoc site in March of 2011, I was primarily a referral-based practice, and have continued to operate my practice in this manner. Although I practice in Chapel Hill, NC, the majority of my patients travel from all points of the United States, including the mid-west and West Coast.
A hands-on treatment approach is typically the most effective form of therapy as it allows me to treat you as an individual and figure out what is going on to help you return to health as quickly as possible. For example, your foot or knee problem may be coming from an old injury, elsewhere in your body perhaps even in your shoulder, that I need to correct and without seeing you there would be no way I could accomplish this. You may also have a certain food sensitivity or need a specific nutrient to help your problem, and seeing you would be the best way to figure that out. You can get an idea of my success by reading some of the testimonials.
However, a lot of health and healing can be accomplished via dietary, exercise, and lifestyle modifications, as well as recommendations for some “self treatments” to certain muscles. Therefore, I provide phone & Skype sessions for people who can’t travel to see me or can’t wait to get started. My new patient wait-list is currently around six months long, however earlier appointments are sometimes made available. Click here for information on scheduling an office visit with me. Currently the wait-time for a phone/Skype consult is approximately two to three weeks. This functions as a good precursor if you decide in the future to come to the office in person, we will not be starting from scratch. Also check out the Sock Doc Workshops where you can be assessed & treated and have the opportunity to train with me for five days.
Setting Up The Consult:Please email me at with a brief description of your reason for the consult and write “CONSULT” in the email subject line. I’ll give you some times that I have availability to set up the appointment. At this time I’ll also ask for all the paperwork (below) to be sent to me. The best way to get everything to me is to scan it all and email it to me so I have a hard copy (only for phone consults, not office visits).
** Forms/Paperwork: Please fill out the history intake form here: This one for women. This one for guys. There is one more required form, and that is the one outlining costs/payments/terms located below. Along with these it would also be good to see any lab work you’ve had done over the last year or so – blood work (see below), diagnostic reports, etc. Also write down what your diet is typically like over 4-5 days, (not amounts, just what you’re eating and drinking), and also your exercise/training for that time too. Basically the more info you have written down means the less questions I need to ask, the less I have to write, and the more we can talk about what we need to talk about!
**Cost/Payment/Terms: Can be found on this form, which also needs to be signed and sent to me with the rest of your paperwork.
** Please email if you have any questions and again, email me if you’re interested prior to sending your forms or any health information. Although I am the only one with access to the account I have to advise you that this gmail account, like most all gmail email accounts, is unsecure (non encrypted). More information on this can be found on the link just above (cost/payment/terms).
Dr. Gangemi “Sock Doc”
Recommended blood work:
CBC with differential
Lipid panel
General chem panel
Vitamin D (25OH D)
*Hormonal issues? – Full thyroid panel (TSH, free T3, free T4, TPO antibody, TG antibody)
*Men – testosterone and PSA (For testosterone you want: Free and total testosterone by LC/MS (Liquid chromatography/ Mass spectrometry) which is LabCorp #070038 if you use that lab.